Reviews for Last Hope
AwesomeGirl chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
Aww! This is so sad but written so heartbreakingly perfect! I was in tears during the epsiode :,(

Fantastic Job!
thewomanwhosoldtheworld chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
Excellent though, I love the show but I'm not familiar with Marvel mythos so I'm not to sure where you were going with the Asgardians. Do you mean they could travel to whatever planet she was on and save her? Forgive my ignorance, as I said I love the show but I don't have a single clue about the Marvel mythos.
Anyways great little fic, I think you got Fitz dead on. Thanks. :-)
Jmags-WriterofAwesomeness chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
For not writing for this fandom before, this was great! I was actually thinking of doing the same thing you did- first time writing for AOS and writing about the moment Fitz snapped. However, my creative ability has decreased significantly since I started college so I decided not to lol. That is why I'm glad you wrote this! So angsty and my god, I almost cried when I watched that scene. Poor Fitz! :'( Good job!