Reviews for The Dead Champion
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good i'm impressed
EvenLoveLies chapter 2 . 12/8/2019
oof you had to remind me of the tragedy, RIP. nice story though
narutouzumaki9718 chapter 2 . 9/16/2019
is this going to continue?
JustAnotherMarvelFanGirl881 chapter 1 . 8/21/2019
Its been so long.. Will you come back to update?
MajinTree chapter 2 . 7/25/2019
Please update this story, the first chapter was well written. The possibilities of the plot are promising. Alan Rickman probably wouldn't want an unfinished memorial, if that is why you don't update.
deathwearsblack chapter 2 . 4/2/2019
please take time updating.
AkaDeca chapter 2 . 3/11/2019
Please update this. R.I.P. Alan Rickman
AkaDeca chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Really interesting idea! Wish you would continue!
BubblySnowflakes chapter 1 . 10/2/2018
are u ever going to update ?
Lady of Moon Over Silver Seas chapter 2 . 10/1/2018
Brilliantly insane
rubeneliasrivera chapter 1 . 7/30/2018
my question is why is it that in almost 50 of the Harry Potter crossover fanfics is that the authors are trying to make Harry Gay. can't we stick with straight Harry please?!
rubeneliasrivera chapter 1 . 7/30/2018
I just realized what a Slash is in fanfic. And I'm sorry but I will not longer be reading this story because of it. Sorry. not a fan of boy on boy.
foxlovers chapter 2 . 7/11/2018
will you ever update this story? i want to know the relationship between severus and jack progress... which one is the bottom? i wish it is severus... i like bottom sev... and who will be harry's partner? is harry top? top harry is hot! i hope his partner is ron...
JustAnotherMarvelFanGirl881 chapter 2 . 4/22/2018
I do hope you update... I am hooked.. And I wish to know what happens next.
BobTheT-rex chapter 2 . 2/13/2018
Alan Rickman was one or the saddest death's I've experienced in my lifetime
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