Reviews for I Know I Knew You
Ivan Salazar chapter 13 . 7/16
Fascinating story, it took a long time reading your stories and I hope you finish this one that seems to be the last. Keep it up and thanks for updating
fencer29 chapter 13 . 7/12
Even if they only come once a year, updates to this story are still welcome.

Perhaps Uiharu shouldn't have mentioned Misaka's old habit of hacking her way into Academy City's computer system. As Kuroko might argue, no need to reintroduce bad habits.

And now Vending Machine Guy/Idiot had best try to make himself scarce, because Misaka will probably be determined to find him, and a determined Misaka is a dangerous Misaka.
Chen chapter 13 . 7/12
Yey, She knows who Touma is...
YoLO1992 chapter 13 . 7/11
Are you still going to continue "The Misfortunate Tsundere and the Dense Ojou-sama" and "Struck by Lightning"?
YoLO1992 chapter 13 . 7/11
gaidzani chapter 13 . 7/10
Ooh, Mikoto seems to be indeed a bad friend on this chapter. The waterworks scene you write there makes me shed a tear too! And of course I'm always eager to wait for the next chapter of this story! Thank you for updating! I'm really happy to know that waiting for one year was worth it! Thank you very much, and keep up the good work as always! :)
Xd chapter 13 . 7/10
Akirnya yg saya tunggu2,bagus man ceritanya tapi terlalu pendek bab 13 nya,nanti bab lanjutannya agak dipanjangi man
UnkownSoul chapter 13 . 7/10
Has it really been years? Time flies be quick, huh?

But I'm still here and the wait was worth it, I would say!

So one big THANK YOU!
hubb2001 chapter 13 . 7/10
WE'RE BACK BABY! I'm so glad to see this story return, no matter how long it's been.

I can't believe some people still remember that reddit post, I made that thing forever ago, but I stand by it! Your fanfics are some of my fondest memories of being in the toaru fandom, so I look forward to what comes next.

It feels weird that both you and cupcakesarereallygood have returned so close to each other. Kamikoto lives on forever! I hope this resurgence can last. And I'm glad to see you're fairing well during this time. I'll be eagerly awaiting your next chapters!
Addie101 chapter 13 . 7/10
Yes it updated :D! Thank you for coming back and Im waiting for the next chapter! :)
Sendril chapter 13 . 7/10
It is alive.
I he knew that this story was not dead yet.
I Hope to see the end of this tale.
Thank you for sharing this great story.
Keep going there are still people waiting to read your work.
Salieri chapter 12 . 6/24
E quedado completamente enganchado a esto. Me encanto. Por favor actualiza pronto. Quiero saber porque le ocultan la verdad
Addie101 chapter 12 . 5/19
I was wondering if you were going to update anytime soon? It's been a year?

not pushing you or anything
Chen chapter 12 . 5/17
Please continue this amazing story.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/23
This story is very interesting. I woukd like you to continue because I love it.
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