Reviews for Good For You
MarshWolffe chapter 6 . 2/1/2019
I’ve been this girl, so every time I see someone who is like this (IRL or not) with their S/O I just wanna shake them. I wanna shake ‘em and be like, “Girl get your shit together and just LOOK at how you’re being treated! I was this bitch, you don’t need to be that bitch too!” I just want her to look at him and tell him to GET BENT! Ugh. Seth is so sweet, love him. He’s so respectful. I wish Ellie would realize that the fact that she’s thinking more negative thoughts than positive about the man the she’s “in love with” and be like, “oh this is not right.” And leave his ass. Maybe wreck his face for good measure. JS! Lol Anywho love this fic thus far! Can’t wait to continue reading. Just wanted to stop of and leave this cuz it wouldn’t get out of my head til I posted it.
Skovko chapter 27 . 4/23/2017
Just swallowed this entire story in one go. I loved it.
Denim Jean chapter 27 . 3/30/2017
Incredible story! Loved it a great deal!
Better than most of the stories around here, for sure. 100% thrilling, no flaws. So THANK YOU for this story. The world is a better place if people like you write stuff like this! :)
SuperFangirl88 chapter 27 . 4/23/2016
Ok I totally didn't think your work could get any better... I was happily proven wrong. This story is amazing. I absolutely adore it... Thank you.
xXTheKatsMeowXx chapter 27 . 1/21/2016
Aww and they all lived happily ever after :)
xXTheKatsMeowXx chapter 17 . 1/21/2016
Poor Sethie :(
xXTheKatsMeowXx chapter 8 . 1/21/2016
I've never liked Orton.. And this is just fueling my dislike for the guy!
MsConCon chapter 27 . 1/11/2016
See? And now I'm all sad. Happy but sad. I didn't want this to end! I really honestly didn't. -Pouts- But I am so damn happy we got an engaged couple out of this and a locked up Randy! Ahhhhhh! -Sighs happily- Randy is gone for good right? Like gone-gone? Those charges will stick right? God I'm such a paranoid freak but eeeeeee! Ellie and Seth are engaged and adorable...and are they living together?! This was just perfect and you posted around Christmas time and what a gift! For us, for her, them...just perfect.

Beautiful, beautiful job on this story. I enjoyed the ups *and* downs and couldn't have asked for more. These two are perfect for each other. True, honest to god, soulamates. Perfect. -Stands and applauds you- Bravo! Bravo! -Throws confetti in the air- -Rings bells- I loved! You are talented and awesome. Amazing ass story here! :D
MsConCon chapter 26 . 1/11/2016
Ok. Confession time.

I never wanted this to end! And now that I see that it has and I tend to be slow at times I saved this and saved it and saved it but I should probably leave my crazy reviews...-Sigh- Here goes.

Action. Packed! Woman you have the drama, the suspense and action down to a t. Like every story I read of yours and yeah, I've been reading your oldest for a bit along with this and just...oh my god! You are genius! (Expect long ass reviews by the way) But my god...I was scared Randy would seriously do some damage to our girl but ha! It was not meant to be! He is very sneaky tho, like so crafty? O_o But hey, makes for good storytelling. Glad Ellie got her shot in even if it didn't put him down. Just yasss! And in the end Seth still ended up saving his along with his brothers. Tis awesome and I am so glad the worst seems to be over. -Sighs- ...or is it? I see we have one more chapter but still...always enough to do damage.

-Hesitates- Ok. Going in. Onto the next chapter I go!
beautifultragedyxxx chapter 27 . 1/2/2016
What a great ending. I'm so sad to see this story end but I think it ended perfectly. I don't think it needs a sequel. You gave us everything we needed! I mean I would obviously read it! Lol I loved the emotional rollercoaster that was Randy/Ellie/Seth. Great job as always! I love your writing and I hope you have another story brewing!
Debwood-1999 chapter 27 . 1/1/2016
Well done! Randy's gone for good! Good chapter, ended things nicely, and you could pick it up later if you want to.
dutchangel1979 chapter 27 . 12/31/2015
LOVED IT! i really loved this story, and im happy that they are gonna get married. Im gonna read the rest of your stories too cause i really like how you write, cya in another story :D
takerschick chapter 27 . 12/29/2015
Perfect ending. Loved it.
Kina chapter 27 . 12/29/2015
Simply Beautiful Ending ! Loved it !
Blissfull Angel chapter 27 . 12/29/2015
Aw what a perfect ending! I have enjoyed reading every moment of this fic! So sad it's over :(
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