Reviews for Noir
turbochickennugget chapter 1 . 18h
This is my third time reading this and may I say it is simply miraculous! I've never been more enthralled reading something in my life! It took me a while to get through the first time but the second time I breezed though. Every word had me wanting more! I couldn't ask for anything more! Amazing job!
Guest chapter 42 . 4/15/2019
Thank you for this fantastic fic! I’ve really enjoyed the ride. Best of luck in all your future endeavours! I look forward to seeing what original stories you come up with. You’ll be missed in the fandom!
Guest chapter 40 . 4/6/2019
So laxus saw through illusion magic. Nice. I am too moral. I want Natalie and Eli dead, Still I am glad Griswold turned out to be good.
Guest chapter 38 . 4/3/2019
Didn't see that coming. Nice...
Nattie414 chapter 31 . 2/17/2019 fucking wow! Okay, so I just read your story in like 1 day and let me tell's awesome! I'm not sure how the story was before you started resubmitting this edited version but I love it. It's very different from what I'm used to reading when it comes to Laxus and Mira (a lover of dragon slayer mating like situations, unless it's an AU) but I love the crazy ass setting they're in, especially since it's set during the disbandment of Fairy Tail.
Love Laxus' protectiveness of Mira...even though it's not a super dragonslayer version of Laxus like I'm used to, I feel like this is how he would be frfr though. Also love the description you put into Mira's power and how even she fears it at times. The drugs fucks with me a lil but I like the creativity of crime and drug lords in the FT universe.
I enjoy the Mira/Nat/Laxus love and smut but I do want Eli and Nat to just be together and let Miraxus do they thing. I can't like, majority of the sex scenes have had me all hot and bothered. Oh and fuck Julian...ijs. So, since Laxus has said I love you, when will Mira?
Again, I read this entire thing in a day so this is nowhere near how much was on my mind while reading. Hope you update soon! Looking forward to knowing the end game of this amazing story!
Ryu of Konoha chapter 31 . 2/15/2019
No worries, it's the quality smut I expect of Noir
MorriganFae chapter 26 . 1/18/2019
OMG, I burst out laughing at Mira getting the note. "There were a lot of notes going on at Noir. She was beginning to feel left out."

This is so damn good. I'm always dangling over the edge, just to enjoy the view, feeling like you're about to shove me down a cliff from behind. But that's okay. I like the scenery. ;)

So good, FrayjaBee! I love this story.
HaselRoses chapter 7 . 1/13/2019
Bah, I hit send before I finished my review! Here's an extra for you to make up for not reviewing every chapter. Haha!

As I was saying about Natalie, I enjoyed her and Mira's amount encounter better than her and ladies having sex. I always got a bisexual vibe from her and seeing her questioning her interest and curious of Natalie's advances is amazing. Are they going to go all the way?! I ship it, haha.

I found it odd that Julian doesn't seem to be as suspicious of Laxus, but still that works in their favor since Julian knows Mira is a mage. I still feel like you're going to hit me with some grand plot twist that I didn't expect and I'm totally okay with that!

Mira and Laxus's encounters seem tedious but needed. It seems they have some residual feelings about how things with down between them in the past. They obviously still care deeply for each other while trying to mask it as just general protection. Until Mira told Laxus to kiss her... and he didn't. As much as I disagree, maybe it's for the best for now. Poor Mira.

Backtracking a second, I didn't picture Mira as the type to do pretty things like purposely trying to make Laxus jealous. I don't remember seeing her doing that in the series (but who knows because there are so many episodes), but I found it easy to blame one of her Satan's souls. Had she been the old Mira, ab-so-fucking_tely she'd pull some petty shit like this. Very counter productive though, but luckily Laxus didn't show is displeasure at what he did see and kept himself in character like he hadn't before.
Hazel Roses chapter 8 . 1/13/2019
Okay, so I was supposed to review reach chapter, but that's hard to do with how I'm reading a couple of chapters before bed lol. This review will probably have things mentioned from all the chapters I've read since I last reviewed. These drugs you've come up with are so interesting. Magic Fire is cool and as to, but Silver and it's ability to affect makes Moore than anymore is the perfect drug too use in order to find out if they're are rates in his circle. Julian is a smart man.

I really appreciate that Laxus didn't take advantage of Mira while she was high. I didn't see him as the type to do something so horrible anyway, but really appreciated that her didn't. I felt it wasn't j just because Julian said not to either.

Natalie is a shady woman. I felt like she had to be with the line of work she does with and for Julian
Hazel Roses chapter 3 . 1/12/2019
I knew this wasn't going to end well when Laxus decided to move between Mira and Griswold. After all that shit he talked about making sure no one knew they knew each other, he pulls this protective bullshit out and almost gets them caught. Imagine if Grisword hadn't have grabbed him when he stepped forward to stop Logan's unwanted touches.

I like Julian as an antagonist so far. He's such a smooth talker and comes off like a calm and collected type who will talk to his enemies in a relaxed demeanor while having your finger nails ripped off. When he told Logan he'd cut off his fingers, it radiated power without him having to yell. That's true superiority in my book. I'm curious to see how the confrontations will go and how they'll end up taking this guy down. He's got his hands in so much, it's going to be hard to pull him down without something significant.

Damn, Logan guessed immediately who Mira was, but I wonder why he didn't know who Laxus is. OR MAYBE HE DOES?! I'll just have to keep reading and see. I'm super stoked! Ugh, high Laxus is making some dumb decisions. That stuff seems to be super powerful.
Hazel Roses chapter 2 . 1/11/2019
Ugh, I don't understand people who can just keep partying first thing in the morning. I can barely party at night. Sy and Angel served their purpose. Time to go, ladies! I had forgotten Laxus used to smoke. Still, it fits him and his appearance. It's a horrible habit yet it still gives him appeal for some reason.

I don't know how you manage yo write Laxus and your scenes with such ability, but I am so happy I found this story! It's literally like reading a book. Even though this is AU, it's so easy to picture this as part of the series too because of your descriptive detail.

Logan is such a douchebag. I'm sure Laxus is just going to love him as much as Mira does. I don't like men who are handsy without my expressed permission. Keep your slimy hands to yourself. I knew Mira wasn't going to back down. I don't think it's just because of this job though. Caring about Laxus's wellbeing seems to be part of it too. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Hazel Roses chapter 1 . 1/10/2019
So I actually found your story on AO3, but it seems your not active on there anymore and boy was I happy to see you are very active on here! This is the review I left on your story there, but I'll continue to follow it here instead.

I like how this is going so far! I was skeptical to start reading because for the last like two years, I've only had a drive to read one-shots. I've found maybe two for MiraxLaxus that I actually enjoy enough to re-read, so I finally decided to give some chapter stories a try. I enjoy your writing style very much! I'm such a picky reader and it sounds terrible, but I love reading the works of authors who have potential to write professionally. I say that's terrible because I expect writers who are writing for free and fun to have such high quality work, but I can't help it! Either way, yours fits my standards!

The first thing that caught my attention was how perfectly in character Laxus is. People often make him too sweet right off the bat. We know from the series he's an asshole first..well most of the time until he cares. I also love they way you set the scene with Laxus taking on this job. It reeled me in and made me curious as to why Laxus wants to see this guy n jail, too. Your mention of "making sure the old man is alright" also made me curious to if he's looking for Makarov.

Mira was also portrayed perfectly. Her and Laxus's encounter mirrored what we'd see in the show if this were an episode. His brash rudeness, her submissive backdown when he pulled away. I'm pissed he tried to pretend he didn't know her. I realize why it makes sense, but damn bro.

Anyhow, I'm excited to see where you go with this, love!
Guest chapter 25 . 1/5/2019
Love. It all boils down to it...
MorriganFae chapter 25 . 1/4/2019
To quote your other story, Gold Hour, this definitely seems like a chess game. I’m not convinced Eli isn’t the necromancer now. Seems odd this dead guy sneaked past him to Mira with only superficial wounds on Eli.

If I were trying to get Laxus to trust me, this might be a way to do it.

Natalie is Eli’s end game? But does Natalie love him? Or is she just using Eli as an escape route? Only time will tell.

Your writing is amazing, as always. Everything unfolds, pulsates and then reinvents itself at Noir. Who we trust at the beginning and who’s good vs. who’s bad. I love that you don’t have black or white, good vs. bad, but everyone carries guilt and is flawed. It makes your story so compelling.

Great chapter. Can’t wait for next time.
BritsyBoo1990 chapter 24 . 1/1/2019
I love this story! You’re a great writer!
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