Reviews for Agent of Chaos
Puracelle chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
I love reading this from the Doctor's perspective.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2016
New twist to the story i like it cheers
nicew chapter 20 . 3/27/2016
So many layers to this story. One of my favorite concepts/ideas/scenes was where the Ninth Doctor thought Martha was his future self. It was a favorite in part because Martha was good enough to fool a Time Lord (into thinking she was himself), and also because of the mix of personalities and emotions in the console room at the time.

But, of course, my favorite theme had to be the Doctor's road to discovering who Martha was and what she meant to him.

Another well done piece.
Ashena-Iulik chapter 19 . 3/26/2016
Wow! Love it! Brilliant! Looking forward to more of your fics :)
Testing you chapter 19 . 3/20/2016
Was not expecting this. Humanizing the villain... good move.
nicew chapter 19 . 3/20/2016
So Parangelia was simply a man in warped by mourning his wife? So sad. The grand children's' party makes me think of one of those reality shows that feature the excessive lives of millionaire teenagers. But it always gives me the warm and fuzzies when the Doctor calls Martha "Love."
dizzy78 chapter 18 . 3/11/2016
I always enjoy reading your stories. I know that I don't always review and that's something I need to do better at. Your stories are really food for the brain especially this one because it not only deal with science but also Greek mythology. Other than the myth the deal with chaos it reminds me the chaos theory, or if you will the "butterfly effect".
Thank you again for this.
nicew chapter 18 . 3/10/2016
First birthday gift of the day!

Though I would never have been as resolute, it's a good thing Martha was. Heaven only knows if the Doctor could have come up with a solution had the two of them given in to what might have been their first and last night "together". Or worse, he might have come up with the plan at a most inconvenient moment!
nicew chapter 17 . 2/26/2016
You said we'd like this and also hate it. You weren't wrong, sigh. The dichotomy kind of sums up Martha's feelings for the Doctor, doesn't it: Happy to be present, but some things not quite realized?

If I were Martha, I'd seriously think about taking him up on the well-ordered life. But then, I'm far more selfish than she is.
nicew chapter 16 . 2/20/2016
He really can be quite thick, especially where Martha is concerned. But what an amazing partnership they'd have if he could just open up to her!

Great chapter! I love how you find new ways to write for these characters. They will always be one of my favorite pairings.
Silver Ame Tsukino chapter 16 . 2/19/2016
Come on Doctor, just say it...
SimplySinful21 chapter 15 . 2/16/2016
You know your stories dealing with Martha are always fantastic and epically well thought out and I love every one of them! Truly I think you for writing the best Martha/Doctor stories in the Doctor Who fanfic world cause seriously there are a lot of Martha bathers out there and she really didn't do anything to deserve it except fall in love with the Doctor and then choose to follow her own path. I know it's been years since that season but I really do thank you for making these stories, they really give girls like me hope that there will be more characters like Martha, Donna, and Micky for the Doctor Who verse!
Pind50 chapter 15 . 2/16/2016
Great chapter
Thanks for the clarity over Martha's identity. I admit I was a bit confused, but reading the story over, I get it.
Silver Ame Tsukino chapter 15 . 2/15/2016
Yaaaas an update!

On the other hand...I hope it works embracing the chaos...for Martha's sake.
nicew chapter 15 . 2/15/2016
The Doctor spends so much time in his own head. I suppose that's just what he does. And if he did regenerate, I think there'd still be enough of Ten still remaining in Eleven for the man and his Companion to continue.

Favorite line: Because Martha. Exactly!
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