Reviews for Knight Games
Unseen Watcher chapter 1 . 10/30/2019
VERY nice. Goodbye dear general... or hello. You'd make an interesting Duel Monster, suitably mind crushed and bound of course... *laughs* Thanks!
Silvershadowfire chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
Sometimes all you can do is sit there and fangirl

Go Yami! *grins* LaCroix is so screwed.

Thank you for sharing.
Storage-Jar chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
Short, but unbelievably amusing. I don't even know anything about Forever Knight, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this. Hey, was the girl Anzu? Doesn't matter, I guess, since I don't bash her so I don't wish the guy got her or anything like some might

My favourite line:
"My people had built an empire before Rome was more than a few meager huts on a hill."

I'm pretty sure I laughed out loud at that. I can just imagine Yami saying that with a bored look on his face, and the other guy responding with a scandalized look. And that last line was perfect. Seriously, don't mess with Yami XD Or even Yuugi, for that matter, cause Yami's always looking out for him of course