Reviews for With a Family
multyfangirl21 chapter 2 . 1/11/2019
I thought that Kakashi was 16 when Naruto was born, in here it has him at 14, i think.
MLLu chapter 2 . 2/13/2018
So sweet and adorable! :D I really like the ending. It was perfect. Although I would really like to see naruto's upbringing under Kakashi's care but this skip was good too in order to show us how their relationship has evolved. Really well written still very good plot! :D

MLLu chapter 1 . 2/13/2018
Let me start by saying what a wonderful story about Minato and Kushino tihs is. By reading it I could really feel the emotion coming from these two characters. There weren't that many lines but with the few that you had included they were good which brings me to the narration. I really like your way of writing. Easy to understand and very detailed.
It's a good thing you decided to publish this two-shots as it is. Simplicity is key! That is what I have learnt from my writing. Anyway, the first part turned out perfectly. Really good job!
jayley chapter 2 . 11/7/2017
sad they still died but i really liked that! glad there was the jump to happy future kakashi after the brooding one
Mee chapter 2 . 4/2/2017
my 2 guys chapter 2 . 12/26/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
my 2 guys chapter 2 . 4/3/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
my 2 guys chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
my 2 guys chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
marsolino chapter 2 . 1/22/2016
Good story, hoped to see more of his adventures though...
MinamiJSakuya chapter 2 . 12/2/2015
Nice pick on parent, shame Minato couldn't raise Naruto.
Lady Randomosity chapter 1 . 12/1/2015
Please write a sequel to this!
Alley McNally chapter 2 . 10/22/2015
It was fairly good until you jumped to Hokage. That was a bit much. It was strange to cut it like that. This story wanted to be a lot longer. Yet you cut it up. That's kinda sad. It's not terrible. It's just not as good as it can be. I wish that you hadn't done that but I understand why.
Prescripto13 chapter 2 . 10/22/2015
I enjoyed reading this one. Minato's faith in Kakashi was well-placed.
John Smith chapter 1 . 10/10/2015
Well pal, you know I’ve read this many times over in its various evolutions before today. However, I read it one last time, and I really love the way it ultimately turned out.

Some of the things I love about it:
The explanations - I know I tend to give you a hard time about these with my never-ending “Less is More” song and dance, but I actually really appreciate them in this story. Minato seemed like a methodical person. To kind of “get into his head” in this fic felt appropriate and pretty interesting. I imagine (like is stated in the manga) that Naruto is far more like his mother than his father, and Minato seems downright cold in comparison to Kushina in this fic at times. The thing is though, it WORKS, and it works well. I can imagine Kushina needing someone so logical and left-brained in her life since she is so right-brained and impulsive. I don’t think most people pick up on this side of Minato even though he clearly had to have it. It shows up in some of his traits but isn’t exactly what I’d call a highly canonized side of him, so it’s not the most popular aspect of his character to focus on. It works so well though, and I love that your writing style suits his character so perfectly!

The characterizations - I’ve already mentioned a bit about this as well, but I’m going to say more now! I adore that you’ve thrown in so many little nods to each character. Even though we pretty much only get to see three people throughout this chapter, they are so well portrayed! I’ve already mentioned a lot about Minato above, but the way you even just start the story and show how busy he is with his job and how he balances that with his home life - it comes across as feeling so real. Another thing you capture is his arrogance. He tends to have a little bit of snark and self-importance subtly laid into the text. I yelled at you to take some of it out xD because it was actually making him seem a little too flippant about the IMPENDING END, but some of it just plain suits him. He’s a flashy, showy sorta guy, and there’s no way he doesn’t have quite a lot of self-love if that’s the case. Similarly, Kushina comes across with a lot of balance and subtlety too. You show that she’s impatient but willing to calm herself and be reasonable. Heck, more like be UNreasonably calm considering the horrible subject matter. She’s also a workaholic and doesn’t want to sit still, even so close to her son’s birth. All of these little traits show off so many details about her character that we sadly didn’t get to see much of in the manga. All we got of Kushina were implications, really. Finally, Shikaku is, well, exactly how I’d imagine him. The subtleties like his post-meal nap mention and the way he is so very humorless throughout are very nice touches. The inclusion of “troublesome” here and there was not overdone at all but welcome. I like that it ended up in the summary, too. Very nice job with all of the characters!

The MYSTERY - You did it, man. You created mystery and gave us only some idea of who it ISN’T rather than any hints as to who it is. I happen to already know who is going to be the “family” that’s mentioned in the title, but I am still excited to see how you provide that reveal in the next chapter. Ah, we do love our reveals, don’t we? Nice job with writing circles around the readers and making us ever more curious about who might be the one person Minato puts so much stock into.

Great job overall! I can’t wait for the next part of this two-shot. Glad I get to see it before anyone else does AH HAH HAH HAH!
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