Reviews for New Year's Eve
Noleme chapter 11 . 6/7/2015
What a hilarious fic. I hope you feel like writing the rest of it, one day. Crossing fingers here that one of my favorite authors hasn't left the fandom yet...
Nako13yeh chapter 11 . 5/17/2015
I really loved it. xD especially when Gimli and Legolas were in the passages... hahhaa... and that Tra-la-la-lally.. xD HAHHAHAHA... that was epic!
Petrichora chapter 11 . 7/18/2013
Oooh, Legolas, that was cruel, blackmailing Elladan like that! Even if he raises a valid point: the song is very out of place compared to the others in Rivendell. I had to step away from the computer for a minute to get my laughter under control when he started singing. :)

And poor Elfhelm! Although I have to admit, I would very much like to see him try to keep the peace should Lothíriel finally lose her temper with Arwen. I can see it now, Rohan's queen yelling at the Evenstar, who is forced into an unexpected dive to avoid the gelding iron throne by her amnesia-afflicted admirer's wife, while Elfhelm makes the mistake of comparing their actions to wild mares, at which both turn on him, and then Eomer chooses that precise moment to wake up and rushes to defend Arwen, at which point Aragorn enters...bahaha!

I'm sad to see that this story is incomplete, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I started reading it, and regret nothing, as it's been a very agreeable way of spending a day. :) I hope your muse blows you back in this direction someday, as I would definitely like to see how this all ends.
Petrichora chapter 8 . 7/18/2013
If this fic were made into a movie, the exchange between a very inebriated Merry and an even more dumbfounded Imrahil would be my very favorite scene!
Petrichora chapter 5 . 7/18/2013
EH:"Before you go, have someone look through our supplies for a gelding iron. I feel the king may want one close at hand when he learns of what has happened. Dismissed!"

"Those stallions are stud horses of Rivendell," Elfwine protested even as the rider hurried off. "My father would never go so far as to—"

EH: "I did not say the gelding iron would be for the horses."

Sounds like Elladan and Elrohir, and Legolas for that matter, might wish to opt for discretion and start running. As the Hobbits pointed out, I hear Belfalas is nice this time of year. ;)

I looooooved what I can only describe as the horse version of a bar fight. I can just see Mornaecco and Shade going at it over the lovely lady horses while Gaearsul, who has been more conservative in his grain intake, takes on the role of the frustrated friend and decides to haul Mornaecco away for his own good, even though Mornaecco is absolutely CONVINCED that he can take Shade (it seems that he has the horse version of the Napoleon Complex). He even calls out some less than friendly parting words as he is being lead away! I'm sure I've told you before, but I adore the way you write your horses: their personalities really shine!
Petrichora chapter 3 . 7/18/2013
P: "Why bother with evidence when common sense and logic can make everything clear?"
M:"I challenge you to name any period of your life during which you understood the meaning of either common sense or logic."

Oooh, someone had better run off and get Pippin some ice to put on that burn...

And I agree with Merry and Pippin: I had no idea that Arwen could be so cruel! I hope Eomer annoys the grace out of her with his incessant flattery, although I'm sure poor Lothiriel would wish otherwise. If Eomer doesn't get a handle on himself, a knocked head might be the least of his worries...

This fic is wickedly funny: I'm experiencing Schadenfreude at levels I've never known before.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/7/2013
What a fantastic story! I've had a silly grin stuck on my face whilst reading. Do you have plans to continue this? It's been dreadfully long since an update, and I do hope the story hasn't been abandoned!
A-Z-animal-freak chapter 11 . 11/18/2012
Awesome writing, hope you continue :)
Guest chapter 11 . 7/4/2012
I liked your story very much! I laughed out loud while reading it in the train and it got me a lot of strange looks. Too bad it isn't finished. I wondered if Pippin was going to revenge himself on the queen en whether Imrahil and Faramir would get some rest eventually. You left poor Eomer in quite a state and I worry about his son too. Well, Tolkien doesn't tell us about Rohan falling apart due to a race in Gondor, so I suppose it ended well. I wouldn't mind you finishing it to assure me, though.
SCREAMINGwhispers chapter 11 . 1/2/2012
Hi Thundera!

I just love this fic so much. I spent New Year's Eve alone the first time alone ever this year, and I was sick of loneliness for my childhood friends I normally spend it with. Stumbling upon this story, however, made me smile and brought back some fond memories of the pranks those friends and I got into over the course of all those years (Cheez Wiz, by the way, if somehow squirted in your face and hair, does not wash out easily, will make you break out horribly and your hair disgustingly greasy, not to mention it smells-horribly-for DAYS).

I love to see Elves in times of peace. A lot of people comment on the difference between Elves in The Hobbit and in LotR, how much more whimsical the Elves were in The Hobbit, which makes me think that the difference depends on the time in which it was set. The Elves, in Imladris at least, that were mentioned in The Hobbit how mischievous and fun-loving they can be during these times! I hope my reasons for including this part of my review make sense...I'm kind of sleep deprived today. ;)

Anyways, this whole fic has me giggling like an idiot. I'm definitely rooting Elladan and Elrohir. They're right, Aragorn has a bit of a stick up his royal hiney. And what is this blatant discrimination of Elves? As King, he should respect the customs of ALL people-for shame, Aragorn, for shame! ;)

Poor Eomer...he has no idea how much trouble he's getting himself into! Aragorn, really, did you have to cause so much...ouchy...for Eomer as you sedated him? That part made me shudder-could have to do with my inexplicable phobia of general anesthesia as well as my strong dislike of needles...XDDD

Elfwine is a goner. I expect he's going to wake up very confused locked a closet somewhere...;) And poor Merry...I'm sure he's feeling very, very good right now, but when he wakes up...-chuckles-

This is just too good. I know you haven't updated in a long time (it's been...7 years I think?) but I just thought I should let you know that if you should like to update this, it would make this reader very, very happy.

A very happy and peaceful 2012 to you!

Tavaril Lasgalen chapter 11 . 1/28/2011
This is pure brilliance! Really, everything is top notch. Your portrayals of the characters, the various political situations, the plot, the dialog, the descriptions...Everything! I've learned not to read this at night, because my snickering wakes up others.

Your characterizations of the characters who only have a few lines or none at all are very true to life, I think. Especially Elfhelm. And Eldarion. :) And your OCs deserve applause as well.

I still can't get over how beautifully you write the canon characters. They're just like Tolkien wrote them with your own personal twist. My favorites in this have to be Elladan and Elrohir and Legolas and Gimli. I like how Legolas seems more...dwarvish, in a way, and Gimli more elvish.

Usually, I steer clear of all things politics, but you've inspired an interest in them in me. The relationships the different lands have and such...Interesting. And amusing.

The plot is very original. There are quite a number of 'prank war' fics out there, but almost none of them are worth the read. This crowns the list. There are so many threads and unexpected turns which make it very fun to sit back and enjoy the ride. (I don't think I'd actually want to be there though...;))

Your descriptions, oh your descriptions! Lov-el-y. I've got a very clear image in my head of Minas Tirith and the Pelennor Fields now.

And as someone who has trouble with dialog, it's marvelous to read something with such natural dialog.
kasugai gummie chapter 11 . 1/2/2011
I can see that any chances of this story updating ever again are nil, but regardless, still wanted to let you know what a brilliant job you'd done with what has been posted. Was definitely in stitches each time the, ah, revelries gained new dimensions.

The gelding iron's lasting presence is a particular favorite, as is Merry's hereditary tendencies towards committing arson. -laughs- Bravo!
alabaster-demon chapter 11 . 12/30/2010
For some reason, Eldarion eating a bug with Arwen trying to prevent it struck me as so utterly adorable and funny that I had to comment on it. I imagine that Elrond, had he been there, would have fixed Arwen with the sort of stare that says, "This is what comes of Elves deigning to reproduce with Men - the firstborn of a Firstborn ingesting insects!"

Thranduil would have immediately praised the child for his precocious bug-slaying, and would begin to plan for when Eldarion could visit his Uncle Legolas to hunt out and consume the last of the giant Mirkwood spiders. Yum yum!
Shipwright's Trick chapter 11 . 3/29/2010
Gracious, what a muddle; I don't know how you keep track of it all. I wish you would update; we still have about half the day to get through, by my calculations, and it's going to be a long one.
Shipwright's Trick chapter 2 . 3/29/2010
The ninnywits! A King and (shall we say) a Lord bickering like five year olds (with good grammar, diction, and vocabulary, it must be said, but still...)! Then they go and set up a fool contest, and then they nearly die! Have they no common sense?

And Faramir! Oh...!

Well, this promises to be interesting, at the very least. : )
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