Reviews for Too Long We Have Tarried
Daftbearaveo chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
Oh dear, sweet baby Jesus, I LOVED this so much! Got me grinning like the cat that got the cream while I'm reading this at work XD. It's just the right amount of fluff with silliness and a dash of Bucky branded angst that I adore! I don't generally go for Stucky pairings because some authors get a bit too angsty and over dramatic with it, but this was just enough for me. Even the splash of citrus for the honeymoon was much appreciated. Would love if we got this story from Steve's pov, but I'm happy with what you've done here. Definitely will have to check out some of your other stories now. Thank you for sharing this!
Storystitcher22 chapter 1 . 12/10/2018
This was awesome! Sweet and hilarious and sexy and just awesome!
SoccerDivergent chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
I didn't expect to love this story so much. You did an amazing job writing this and made a sinnario that should have been unrealistic and, well, fake make perfect sense and come together in away that made it seem right and wholey possible in a mix of their past and present . Not to mention gave all the characters their own unique personalitys that made them all hilarious and lovable.
Thank you
SinsofMidnight chapter 1 . 5/17/2017
I'm not sure I have commented on. this piece yet, but I love it so, so muchYour characterization is beautiful and this is so cute. I've probably reread it around 20 times in the last few months? So well-written. Definitely one of my favorite stories with this pairing!
cherubs007 chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
i came for the wedding but got a runaway wedding and a honeymoon. thanks, i liked it!
DrDexter123 chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
The transformation of their relationship was just so heartwarming. I really loved this read.
PensPencilsAndKeyboards chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
This will forever and always be one of my favorite stories. Everything about this is perfect, just absolutely amazing, so keep doing what you do.
DrDexter123 chapter 1 . 5/19/2016
This was a very heart warming story. The entire time I felt conflicted, not knowing if they were going to really get married or not. I love how everything tied together. Would love sequel to this and see how being married affects their relationship in battle.
kimbo25 chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
that was the best god damn mother fucking story I have ever read! I laughed, smiled, cried and it was written so well it played like the most beautiful movie in my head. this has left a mark on me for life omg!
LaylanatorXVII chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
Pepper is going to KILL them. :-)
I have no idea what Dudley Do-Right is, and I am from North America...does it have something to do with Harry Potter?
You captured Tony's personality SO WELL. I mean, you captured everyone so well, but Tony is my favorite, and therefore I relish when I find a story in which he says something like: " of you probably had stage five inoperable brain cancer or something." LEAVE IT TO TONY. I AM SO HAPPY. :-)
Also, GOD. The feels kicked me in the chest This-Is-Sparta style about the time Steve climbed into the limo. I thank you.
THIS IS BEAUTIFUL AND I ADORE IT AND I THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY FREAKING SOUL. When I began reading it, I was like: this is going to be a light-hearted humor fic (I mean, Clint was in the bathtub. Come on. That was hilarious.) but NOOO. IT TURNED OUT TO BE AN ICEBERG OF GLORIOUS FEELS. I AM OVERJOYED.
Thank you so much for writing. I loved it (if that wasn't already abundantly clear.) :-)
Guest chapter 1 . 10/10/2015
Wow, this was AWESOME! I loved everything about it; I felt you nailed each character's personalities wonderfully. I loved that what started out as a won't-flinch-first, very public joke turned into something so sweet and private. Their conversation in the limo was so touching, as was Bucky's overwhelming need to see Steve and know he was ok when he first woke that a.m. LOVED IT!