Reviews for A Date With Destiny: Smoke & Mirrors
Guest chapter 4 . 7/31/2018
to bad for c.c. being left out .
darkfinder chapter 2 . 7/31/2018
fun to see if she changes any thing .
Shadow Kick chapter 1 . 2/13/2017
Cool, cool, cool.
Dragonheart Of Ireland chapter 6 . 10/7/2016
Please update soon!
ARSLOTHES chapter 6 . 9/3/2016
Looking forward to the next chapter
Getsunohimesama chapter 6 . 6/21/2016
I feel like I have already mentioned something similar in the past, but that little explanation Rei gives to Serena feels a bit unnecessarily dramatic. We can already see the impact through Rei's thoughts and follow her as she processes the news, but when she explains to Serena that "I hide the pain by laughing" it feels like she is fishing for sympathy. The rest of that explanation is fine, but that first bit a) beats the purpose of 'hiding the pain', because, well, duh and b) is a bit too sappy. Could be just me though.

I don't know whether I should worry about the fact thatg Serena let go of Rei so easily when it is stated that she is aware that Rei is lying. Does she have a way of pinning down her whereabouts at any given moment? Or will she just cross her fingers and hope for the best? Because in that case, wow, friend of the year...

Why is Marianne bawling? I thought one of the more vital points of her character is that she completely lacks any empathy and doesn't consider the death of her children something of particular note. She implied as much.

Well, this is going to be interesting I guess...
BalancedHydra chapter 5 . 11/10/2015
*claps hands* Bravo. Bravo!

To be frank, I saw this coming but the story's execution is very reminiscent to F/SN visual novel. I thank you for that. You have a talent that is rare in this site and I both thank you and encourage you to keep moving with the same level of quality you have given us so far.

On a more personal note, I am anticipating what is to come. I have a thing for stories where a wounded soul walks the path of blood. I only hope that you ain't going to do a resurrection like you did in the original story but that's just me.

Carry on.
Getsunohimesama chapter 5 . 10/28/2015
Traumatized senshi of fire? I'll tell you who is traumatized, the guy with the two bullets in his torso is! XD

CALLED IT!... but damn, still sad. Shirley deserved better.
Wait. Doesn't that mean that Kara will be in town in a very wrong time?

Oh Lula. Such a drama queen, even when bleeding out.

Okay... I definitely didn't call THAT... Wow. Is it possible that he is not EXACTLY dead? Let's electrocute the bastard to life! See if that works!
Oh who am I kidding... I am waiting to see what you'll do now. Don't keep me waiting!
Getsunohimesama chapter 4 . 10/26/2015
Do not underestimate Serena brainshells! They may be few but it is the quality that matters! ):O

Technically, it's "attack the snapped" or "ger shot". I am no exert but the second option sounds a lot less pleasant.

"Bad news," I stated, deeply disturbed by the loss of coherency in Shirley's eyes as she aimed toward my chest. "Shirley has your gun and I'm pretty sure she's going to shoot me with it."
That's one way to break the news. XD

I wonder if the guy's insurance covers theft? Because otherwise... not cool C.C. Not cool.
Fourteen different identities? Wow C.C, give it a rest...

While I do feel sorry for Shirley, wasn't she a bit too ready to accept Mao's suggestions? And held on to them much too tightly for something that's going on for a couple of hours? I do realize that that she was fragile psychologically... well. It feels more like she lies to herself with that overly dramatic suffering thing and uses it to take Rei out. Yandere much?

" but you're voice is aggravating" - that is a little mistake here. :)

Mao... shut up. You really are dying for gossip aren't you you weird bastard, aren't you? Stop depriving us from future awkwadness!
Give it a rest you creep... she was seven. -_- I can see guilt building up but "didn't capture your heart the way Lelouch did"? Really Mao? You are lucky Rei is about to faint from bloodloss, or she'd call you out on that.

"Don't do it, Shirley! I swear if you shoot him, it'll be the last thing you ever do!"
We have one smooth operator right here ladies and gentlemen!

I have a difficulty with Lelouch actually throwing himself in front of the bullet. At this point it would be weird for them to have more than a crushon each other and Lelouch at this point is rising in power and has too many people depending on him to just disregard his life for anyone, even Rei. I can see Lelouch letting Rei eat the bullet for him if there was no other way out but a much harder time vice versa. I mean, Rei would take the bullet for most people as would the rest of the Scouts. But Lelouch would do it for Nunnaly alone at this point in time...

It was a very much enjoyable chapter. Keep 'em coming girl! :D
Getsunohimesama chapter 3 . 10/17/2015
Aw, poor Shirley... :(

Searching a girl's dresser? That's low Lulu, even for you.
Photos of Lelouch... Will the creepy ever end with these people...

Palookas? PALOOKAS? I hate you.
Really? How could Rei approaching them possibly make things worse than they already are?

Finally,someone drowing attention to the fact that Rei has no respect for hierarchy in a terrorist organization! I bet that Lelouch is secretly wishing the cockpit had managed to at least graze her head a bit. XD
Rei, the voices in your head? Have someone check for schizophrenia. Honestly, does nobody understand that voices in your head are a clear sign that you are a mentally unhealthy person in this story? Stop following the voices in your head!

E.E and Mao. Are there no depths that immortal witch won't sink to? I mean, it's Mao! She may as well try to be best buds with Shinji! Have some dignity woman!

Hey! I take offense to that Kururugi! Right here! *waves hands* I am right here!
Getsunohimesama chapter 2 . 10/13/2015
Too little too late Lulu.

Sometimes I do wonder if Rei realises what a military-style terrorist organization is all about. Poor Lula must be at his wit's end. XD
You know, this whole situation with Chad, based on what happens in the other two stories, is kinda like an epic foreshadowing situation.

You know you are one scary angry person when the Demon Emperor cowers in fear before you. XD
Again, Rei doesn't seem to realise the structure of a military-style terrorist organization. She can't just up and leave, especially after not even going to the briefing. Jesus Rei!

Of course there's gonna be another recap. God forbid you don't boil us in our own blood until you reveal the plot twist. -_-
Getsunohimesama chapter 1 . 10/13/2015
While the scene where Lelouch and Rei reveal themselves to one another is very dramatic, along with what follows, I have to say it- does Kirihara go around with the sword of the emperror, just in case one of the heirs to the throne burst in? WHERE DID HE KEEP IT?!

Kallen is always the best way to break tension, isn't she? I mean, "you didn't tell me you worked for Kyoto"? Really Kallen? That's why Zero makes the plans.

All those italics got me really riled up now! Let's see what you can do (yes, I am indeed watching far too many Disney live-action collaborations, my brain is unavoidably affected).