Reviews for A Young Avenger at Hogwarts, Book One: Romancing the Stone
scotmath59 chapter 13 . 9/14/2019
Really a nice twist funny engaging canon twists all in all a joy to read .Hope you continue thanks again for the brain candy.
shugokage chapter 13 . 9/10/2017
Interesting scene and chapter!
stars90 chapter 13 . 9/4/2017
Wow. That's an incredible twist on the story. corrupting the castle? Awesome work!
ScarletRainbow1 chapter 12 . 8/19/2017
Your last update was dated October, 2016. I need this story to continue. Please, tell me you intend to continue it.
PappyOldGuy chapter 12 . 11/3/2016
This is just such a fascinating story! I find myself totally embroiled in it and the lives of the main characters. I like the way you are taking the time to flesh out the main characters that revolve around Jamie. Like I said in an earlier post, even though I have no real idea of where this story is truly going, I am so thrilled with the ride.

Thanks so much for sharing, from one highly appreciative fan!
SilentProwler chapter 3 . 10/24/2016
IDK if this is it. I havent even read it, but The genre and name are similar (only Fix instead of touch, and additionally an xover with Buffy)
Stories: A Fix of Wild Magic
stars90 chapter 12 . 10/20/2016
Good work. I was thinking when I read your author's note about that bit for what she saw in the mirror, but it didn't occur to me to have her parents be there too. Can't wait to see how she takes on Moldyshorts.
Simianpower chapter 1 . 10/20/2016
Wow, INSTANT skip! I got only 1/3 through this first chapter and already I hate it. There's no story here, just a super-powered wankfest. You say in your profile you go over the top, but this is ridiculous. She's a witch with a decade of training by a Marauder, she's a mutant, she's a super-strong shapeshifter, she overpowers aurors before starting Hogwarts, she's rich, she's personal friends with Dumbledore, she's... Mary Sue! I don't even care to see if you've amped up her opposition to match, because this is already so silly that it doesn't matter. Moving on.
stars90 chapter 11 . 10/18/2016
This was a terrific chapter. You set up a good way for Jamie to be forced into taking action. I cannot wait to see her abilities develop further from this.
BiGDeal chapter 9 . 6/17/2016
Lucius isn't very big on thinking things through when he runs into muggles in his den, is he?

Thoroughly enjoying this HP/Avengers crossover. You've been nailing some of the personalities of X-Men and Avengers, along with the additional dynamics of being Jamie and not Harry.
PappyOldGuy chapter 10 . 6/17/2016
Interesting and (well written in my opinion) very good story. I like, I like it a lot! It seems to be meshing quite a few realities, and I can hardly wait (but I will) to see where it all goes. I do know this, when someone who is not the creator of a character, writes about them, it is to have them do something that the creator doesn't want to or didn't think of. I know that I always think of my favorite characters doing things, I have never read of in books or seen them doing in movies. I think it is fantastic that others (here in "FanFiction") are actually writing their stories of what they want them to do in a "What If" world. For those who complain that the characters would not do this or that, forget them. You need to write this first for yourself, and then for the rest of us who do enjoy your take on what just might, could, should, would and probability (if a frog had wings, his ass wouldn't bump the ground nearly so often) can happen. I do know this as well, I am enjoying it and will follow it as long as you will write it. Also, do NOT feel pushed to post, sometimes the words and thoughts just flow and sometimes you have to cogitate for a bit. Just learn to let them grow at their own pace and those of us who appreciate them will be here to read them when they are posted.

Looking forward to the next post and thank you so much for sharing.
Caelus06 chapter 10 . 6/16/2016
Damn. The baddies where planning all out war.
shugokage chapter 10 . 6/16/2016
Impressive chapter great job!
shugokage chapter 9 . 6/14/2016
Interesting story great job!
Sakura Lisel chapter 2 . 6/14/2016
*lol* I'm surprised Peeves didn't scoff at what Jaimie threatened him with. Isn't he supposed to be a GHOST or whatever a poltergeist is? So exactly what does he have to fear when she threatened to shove the walking sticks 'somewhere painful' if he didn't behave?
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