Reviews for Apotheosis
Dear author chapter 36 . 4/7
Shirtless Minho! Weeeeee ️
Dear author chapter 14 . 4/4
Papa Min Min needs to be sued for neglect!
Dear author chapter 10 . 4/4
Hairspray for Minho!
Dear author chapter 9 . 4/4
Nick is so freaking cool. He's like "get outta here but if you want you can eavesdrop." xD
Dear author chapter 7 . 4/4
Daayum Minho. Such an alpha.
Dear author chapter 6 . 4/4
Awww cutteeeee ️
Dear author chapter 5 . 4/4
I sense some Minho jealousy there... Hmm
I hope I'm not annoying you with all my comments! I'm determined to increase this book's reviews!
Dear author chapter 4 . 4/4
I love how you pace the story and make a stage for other characters too. Most fanfics focus on their chosen ships and characters, forgetting about the rest or just airbrushing the rest. ️
Dear author chapter 3 . 4/4
Okay. So let me tell you what I like about this chapter. Hm.
Obviously it's Minho. Haha
I love the banter so much! You give the characters so much life! How do you do that!?
Dear author chapter 2 . 4/3
I think this story deserves a lot more reviews. So I'm going to leave one every chapter. Haha

Your imagery is brilliant! You're such a good writer! It feels fresh even though I've read this story so many times before!
MeriemDjez chapter 42 . 2/6/2018
cassinho for sure!
Dear author chapter 43 . 1/22/2018
You're amazing! I'm re-reading this again because I've ran out of good fanfics to read! That's how amazing you are!
Dear author chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
Dear author,

This is literally the nth time I've read your book! And because im such a bad fan, I just took your greatness for granted! But now! Oh dear author, i want to tell you and pleaseeee pleaseeee believe ME, you are absolutely BRILLIANT! I am an extremely picky reader so when i say you're story is great, you should consider publishing it! Don't you think we should have a fanfic genre in bookstores?! Seriously, this should be ONE! Keep on writing pleaseee! You are so good that i could literally remember and visualise your story in my head right now! You're that good!
sophia P chapter 5 . 2/28/2017
here is a review for a fan. seriously though so good!
imamassacre chapter 40 . 1/22/2017
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