Reviews for Worlds apart
James Birdsong chapter 12 . 4/7/2019
Mimiluvbug chapter 12 . 4/5/2019
loving their day out. Ferio in button up shirtslacks... woo! *fans self*
El Grinder chapter 12 . 4/4/2019
Welcome back, what a treat to see you update again!

Re-reading your story, I pictured myself huddling next to a fire at night: every move, every spark flows with purpose and I find myself wanting for more. You let the structure grow some whiskers when you included a little too much detail about Ferio’s bet back in Cephiro (if you had forgotten to address that bit at all, I believe, your readers would do the same as well) and with Umi’s wedding stealing words from any other situation that could have used it, including Umi herself. However, I enjoyed every moment I spent with Fuu and Ferio and I would re-read their kindling their relationship at once. Their encounter with Kuu, random and all, showcased your desire to tell this love story while giving the sisters’ affection their due.

I can’t wait to see what else looms ahead. If you come up with it, it has to be good. Continue writing!
El Grinder chapter 11 . 2/18/2019
Hi! It feels like ages since I last read your story!

I dig the scope you use here: after all the heroics and epic adventures, the characters we know come together and catch up. Their lives went on, but they kept that hope to meet again, and you have used it to wonderful effect. They not only get to have a blast by going out like friends (hmm, my appetite appreciated all that ramen talk) , but in particular Fuu and Ferio realize that they have baggage to sort through, and they need that bond to do well by the other. Between their time running out and Ferio's obligations, Fuu must wonder whether her wish should have come truewhatever destiny holds for her, your prose will do her justice.

The story leaves me wanting as far as Umi: at some point she has to wonder why and whether Clef has to stay in Cephiro at all, I assume. In a set of worlds where magic can impact everyday life, she has to figure there would exist a way to meet again; but with her taking such a step as marriage soon, I'd love to learn your version of what goes on in her head.

Regardless of how long it took you to reach this spot in your story, I've enjoyed what you keep giving us. Keep that interest, that flame alive; keep on writing!
James Birdsong chapter 11 . 1/10/2019
Good two chapters
James Birdsong chapter 9 . 11/17/2018
Nice. Hooray!
Mimiluvbug chapter 9 . 11/8/2018
so happy you updated! I wonder what type of shenanigans Hikaru will get into with Ferio n Lantis. Fuu don't be scared, kiss him!
MAru-chan04 chapter 8 . 7/10/2018
Please continue the fic! I love Fuu and Ferio's stories!
Mimiluvbug chapter 8 . 10/10/2017
very cute story. i'm wondering what the girls will be doing to keep ferio n lantis busy and outta trouble for a month... i hope it all goes well.. looking forward to new chapters!
James Birdsong chapter 8 . 5/6/2017
Cool two chapters.
El Grinder chapter 8 . 4/25/2017
Welcome back!

When I saw you had already logged seven chapters in I felt as if I didn't want to hop back onto your story. Luckily I decided against it, as you kept all of them short (a rarity among fanfiction writers, sadly) and your plotting and pace made it a breeze to follow up on Fuu and Ferio's travails. Your characters express themselves plainly and in earnest, letting me know what relationship they have or think they have with everyone else. I would invite a little more deceit in how they interact, so as to make their voice stronger; but by stating the conflicts at play so plainly, it makes it all the more game-changing when the Cephiro men finally arrive to Earth. Now that I know what every character has gone through up to this point, I can appreciate what you plan to do with their expectations, and those of your audience, in how these encounters will change them.

Some readers could have an issue with the misspellings and misplaced punctuation in your story, but to me it gives the plot more verve. You don't need to elaborate every sentence within an inch of its life when we know that the star-crossed lovers will eventually meet. You would need to do so when you excise more care with your pacing and structure, which I see as the story's biggest albatross. Up to chapter five you had wisely picked a structure - the Cephiro men try to reach Earth while Umi's wedding day nears - but their landing does a disservice to the main couple. To put it bluntly, your main characters never actually find themselves. The form you chose for Ferio's arrival, nimbly and confusedly avoiding cars , elevates his status as a everyman fighter; but it lacks any setup of payoff, and forgoes function, as we already knew this and Fuu doesn't fancy him simply for these skills. You had already set up a timeline of sorts by adding Umi's wedding to the mix, so I honestly expected you would drum up more tension by not having Fuu and Ferio meet immediately. One of your short chapters following him would have done the trick, and would've paid off Fuu's want for him instead of having someone *else* literally point him out to her. It sloppily squandered a climax from a writer who had navigated the waters of MKR fanfiction so adroitly until then, honestly.

Still, I cannot complain. Now that everyone has reached the positions they think they've wanted all along, I wait to see how getting their wish might blow in their faces, if only a little bit. Your handle on pace and your own take on Fuu give me great hopes for the next chapter. Continue writing!
James Birdsong chapter 6 . 11/27/2016
Cool or wonderful
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 11/3/2016
Cool story. Good chapter.
ksenaj chapter 4 . 4/14/2016
Reeyana chapter 4 . 3/20/2016
Next chapter please! :D Good work!
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