Reviews for Taming The Wildfire
natashaa78 chapter 35 . 12/20/2019
This is beyond painful, it just had to end like that. The worst time ever to leve it in a cliffhanger. I love this story so much. I can’t wait to read about his reaction. Hopefully you’ll update soon.
natashaa78 chapter 34 . 12/20/2019
It’s frustrating how she keeps hiding her pregnancy.
natashaa78 chapter 30 . 12/20/2019
Extremely glad they finally made up, hopefully the sword won’t get worse.
natashaa78 chapter 25 . 12/20/2019
Fantastic chapter, glad they finally did it!
Guest chapter 34 . 11/25/2018
Update please, so good!
YaoiLovinKitsune chapter 34 . 4/30/2018
Can't wait for more! Update soon please! I hope he reacts well to the baby.
YaoiLovinKitsune chapter 22 . 4/27/2018
I honestly would hate Yuzu she just seems really annoying and kind of inconsiderate of Koyuki's feelings most of the time.
Lazy chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
I think Mikoto would use less words but that’s your choice
Roberta Lozano chapter 34 . 4/9/2018
First of all I would like to thank you so much for the update!
This is one of the stories I enjoy reading the most and it is always a pleasure to read your new chapters. Now, I am worried about Koyuki. She must have been terrified and absolutely shocked by the scene that developed right before her and she had never seen that side of Mikoto, which I assume must have been difficult and terrible for her. Still, I think she should tell Mikoto about what is happening. If she does not tell him he will just worry for nothing and he might, who knows?, even feel betrayed because of her secrecy.
Anyway, I am eager to see what will happen next!
Roberta Lozano
emilia.lozano.el chapter 34 . 4/8/2018
I do not understand why Koyuki did not tell Mikoto the real reason behind her sickness after smelling the smoke of his cigarrette... he has the right to know as he is the father of the creature and had he known the true extent of the situation, he would have never let her see the burning man. He might be a bit beastly sometimes, but he protects his family and loved ones with everything he has got. And he would probably do something to take care of his newly created family...
emilia.lozano.el chapter 33 . 10/1/2017
That was a close call for Koyuki. Luckily, Mikoto entered the room at the exact moment to prevent a tragedy from happening. Although he almost lost control of himself...
Koyuki has imperatively to tell him that he is going to be a father: maybe that way he'll find a reason to slow down the process of destruction of his Damocles sword. And of course he'll want to protect them no matter the cost. That is of course if he reacts in a positive way.
Roberta Lozano chapter 33 . 10/1/2017
I loved this chapter! It was so full of emotions... Poor Koyuki, she does not know what will his reaction be to the news and that frightens her to the core. And just with the worst timing, her mother gets there and hurts her, like she always does. I can easily understand Mikoto's anger and reaction, but he must have been quite terrifying in that state... And then, when he calmed down and started to blame himself, he was just so adorable!
When will she tell him?
I cannot wait to see what will happen!
Thank you so, so much for the update!
Roberta Lozano.
Roberta Lozano chapter 32 . 9/18/2017
Someone recommended me this story and I absolutely loved it! Your writing skills are great and you managed to capture everyone's essence so well, especially Mikoto's! Will you keep on writing this story? Please don't abandon it! Koyuki is a great character they are such a cute pairing! Neither of them is perfect, which makes this story so interesting to read. But now, I am worried about her... Will she be abducted? And if she is, how will Mikoto cope with it!
I cannot wait to see what will happen! Please update as soon as you can!
Roberta Lozano.
emilia.lozano.el chapter 32 . 9/17/2017
I love your story! Are you going to finish it? Because you really should: It's wonderful.
You captured so well Mikoto's HOMRA's essence which is not at all evident. And you could have never created a better OC for him. They are so different, so opposite in so many things but at the same time they are just what they need to stop their free fall. Poor Koyuki, she must be feeling so guilty for Yuzu's sickness. But then again it was not her fault as she was protecting her from a far greater danger.
Koyuki is acting really weird, isn't she? The only explanation that I have on the top of my head is that she is actually pregnant...
I'm really worried about the complot against Mikoto. Please tell me that they are going to be alright, all of them.
Anyway, see you next time.
Guest chapter 32 . 8/12/2017
Aw Mikoto is so sweet! Please update soon!
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