Reviews for The Company he keeps
weirdmixofsodapopanddallas chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
F chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
Really enjoyed this, the personalities of the characters was wonderfully captured with classic themes of humour and friendship.
Rutu chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
. . . . . .Wow. Just. . . . .WOW. This is incredible. Except for a few lines here and there, all the characters are authentic to the point that I wasn't really reading the fic, but rather could see it playing out as an episode in my head, could hear each character saying their lines, could see the exact expressions they would be wearing while saying them. This fic really brings out the best in the characters, highlighting why we all love them so much. As for Sam - I love how this shows him in full-blown "Sam mode," being the idealistic indignant oratorical genius he is when defending his friends and the things he believes in. I recently watched the series for the first time, and had really been missing Sam being Sam after S4, so this was a nice refresher _ (and yes, I do realize this was written 11.5 years ago, but hey, that's why the website keeps all the fics ever written - there are some gems in there).
LilithL2 chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
the final article just made me cry. Congratulations. I always loved that tv show and one of the things that loved the most was the loyalty between all of them.

keep writting like this :)
eekz chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
"That was a wonderful show of solidarity there guys, Josh's lack of knowledge of his own job not withstanding" - This made me giggle, thank you. :)
Phoenix-from-below chapter 1 . 10/6/2009
oh loved it loved it loved it!
crism1976 chapter 1 . 1/1/2008
Excellent job with this story. I enjoyed the plot line quite a bit. You did a good job with all the characters, but you really nailed Sam's character and his voice. (especially when adding in that quote). Thanks for sharing!
Christina chapter 1 . 3/31/2007
I am just finding soem of your stuff for the first time..its genuis..I love the idea about the West Wing being family and I love Toby/Sam stories...great are an excellent writer and i can't wait to read more
Stargazer83 chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
I'm just buzzing with warm fuzziness.
Ecri chapter 1 . 9/1/2005
That was lovely. There's something special about the relationships of these characters and you've captured it perfectly. I love them all resigning...I love Sam just doing the right thing because it is the right thing...and I love Danny's story at the end.

Oh, and this line...

‘That was a wonderful show of solidarity there guys, Josh’s lack of knowledge of his own job not withstanding…unfortunately you’re not gonna need it...'

That was perfect! I can just see/hear Martin Sheen deliver that line! Wondeful!
AilciA chapter 1 . 8/16/2005
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this - you have a real talent for writing about my favourite friendship in the West Wing. Very well done. I now go on to read all your other WW stories!
KL chapter 1 . 4/4/2005
You know, normally I try to avoid reviewing at 4AM, to be sure that it won't simply be "read...god", but that was just too wonderful to pass by. Your story was not only well written, but also very touching. I greatly enjoyed reading it. "Bravo, bravo, bravissimo!"

schulyr chapter 1 . 4/10/2004
I had never read one of your westwing fics before but I loved your Harry Potter fic Strange Empathy and I put you on my author alert list and today I receieved the email for Worth a thousand words read it cause I love Sam fics and then proceeded to read all of your other Sam friendship fics (I'm not sure if I can do Sam/Toby slash yet) loved them and emailed the links to my roommate who is a BIG westwing fandommer.
nanashinigami chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
OOh. I loved this. I love the story, the way it was written and especially the resolution. This was truly a beautiful piece of work-original, sweet, funny at times and one that I'll remember.
Thanks for the great read.
venus4280 chapter 1 . 2/21/2004
Oh my God- I've discovered we have two shared interests- Sam (who I also miss dearly) and Harry Potter. This was an amazing story -so righteous- I was like, "Damn straight"- when I finished it.
Seriously, you obviously have a great handle on the West Wing Genre, I can see that your HP fics will get even better with time- so much to look forward to!
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