Reviews for Family, Not Friends
CYmAB chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c31eCst0ri8m
Bravemaridin chapter 122 . 6/2/2018
Love the latest chappie! Thank You so much for your kind words! You are an amazing person! One of my fave headcanons is just about any trans character, so envisioning Yusei crossdressing was awesome! Thanks again!
Bravemaridin chapter 121 . 5/16/2018
Loved this chappie and its title! You go girl!
Bravemaridin chapter 118 . 2/1/2018
Love this chappie and the duel so far! That demon's going down!
Nozomi Higurashi chapter 118 . 1/27/2018
Glad to hear that. Sorry I was gone so long. Still catching up, btw, but got a notification of a new chapter and checked for a reply in the end notes, as usual after leaving a review. ;)
Nozomi Higurashi chapter 117 . 1/20/2018
God, I've been so busy lately, I haven't had time to read and keep up with the fanfics I follow. I'm going to restarting this one from the beginning to make sure I remember what's happened. (I still follow it, it's just life's escaped its straitjacket and hit the ground running... again.)
LinaFair chapter 115 . 1/5/2018
Hi there, I started to read your story half way through the anime so it alswas was a battle between reading more and watching more before I accidentally spoiler myself with what's happening. So today's the day I ended the ZONE arc as well as your fanfic till the current point and I must say I really, really love your story and the way you're writing if. Keep going and take all the time you need. You can count on another reader (how's really bad at remembering to write comments so I'm sorry in advance v. V) have a nice dayL.
Bravemaridin chapter 115 . 12/25/2017
Take your time. Trust me, when I say this is a story I won't soon forget. Have a good rest of the year and I hope next year is one to celebrate.
Anolaszun chapter 115 . 12/24/2017
We will still be here when you post again. Have a Awesome rest of the year.
manganime fangirl23 chapter 115 . 12/24/2017
Take your time updating. We'll still be here when your next chapter comes up; this story is too good for us to stay away! Seriously, I always come back to this story, new chapter or not, when I want to read a good story. I hope next week is better. Happy holidays!
Athina of Olympus chapter 115 . 12/24/2017
It's okay! Take your time! Relax as much as you can and enjoy yourself during the holidays
Yue in the Stars chapter 115 . 12/23/2017
NO, I doubt it's only three! I bet there's more than that, this is really good!
Besides that, I hope that you have a better week, and a merry Christmas!
Daniel Kazami chapter 109 . 10/15/2017
Y'know, I love the Treasonshipping pairing that's clearly present here, Female Yusei x Kalin/Kiryu, my apologies if I pissed you off by using the Dubbed name but honestly, having watched and grown up with the dub name, I just started to use it out of habit.
Copper001 chapter 108 . 9/17/2017
Thanks. Hope work slows down for you
Daniel Kazami chapter 107 . 9/10/2017
Whoa! This is getting intense! I am stoked already for the next chapter!
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