Reviews for Strangled
silveristhelight chapter 4 . 9/7/2016
Will there be more ?
FearThePuggles chapter 4 . 8/3/2016
I'm so excited for the next chapter! Please update soon! Please keep up the good work!
Kiri0918 chapter 4 . 2/1/2016
I am enjoying this allot! XD XD i love the humor in this and how they are, gotta love Mayuzumi and yes Akashi ain't honest at all! imagining Akashi getting hit with a frying pan in the face is hilarious and Kuroko's words at the end makes it better XD I can't for the next chapter because i really really wanna know how Akashi and Kuroko will interact, for some reason i believe it will be very hilarious XD XD
Purified Sins chapter 4 . 2/1/2016
I really liked this chapter. So if kuroko gets his hair cut, then would his hair turn black?
Purified Sins chapter 3 . 2/1/2016
I like how its different, you just didnt rip everything off of the original thing. Great chapter!
star chapter 4 . 2/1/2016
Please update! Love lovveee loveeeeee! This fic! :D
ShinseiShinwa chapter 4 . 1/31/2016
HAHAHAHHAHA! The pan is hands down, the best thing!
Rinfantasy chapter 4 . 1/31/2016
Akashi deserved the hit! not only he was in the wrong because he was the trapasser, he also attacked someone without know him! but this is rapulzel after all!
dah56 chapter 3 . 1/30/2016
Wow! I really like this story. I haven't read anything like this in a long time! Its quite captivating! Please update soon..!
Hiina chapter 3 . 12/13/2015
Come on, Akashi! Only the best, right?

Go get your Tetsuya 3
MIDORICHANNN chapter 3 . 12/6/2015
I LOVE ITT PLEASE POST MORE xD I love the quenching feeling Akashi has aashdla I can't wait for Kuroko and Akashi to meet and the GenMira to fight over him! jk hahaha xD
Rizarora chapter 3 . 12/3/2015
This is really good! Love the idea, and the name is amazing!
I noticed a spelling mistake or two somewhere but now I can't remember it. Gah. Sorry
gone deleted killed account chapter 3 . 11/22/2015
Akashi a monster? I could never believe that. Can't wait for more.
EchizenRyoma chapter 3 . 11/21/2015
what next? when will seirin and the others appear? i don't like ya oi but this could be an exemption. after all its akashi...rather w/ kuroko than with others...keep up the good work...
ShinseiShinwa chapter 3 . 11/21/2015
The sky? The voice? Is that Kuroko's voice? So Akashi is some handsomely evil mofo who doesn't believe in jack shit?! I LOVE IT!
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