Reviews for Twisted Vengeance
bleachfreak13 chapter 14 . 10/1/2016
Oh my gosh this is amazing! Bray makes some really good points. Bray calling Dean Little lamb is just so cute.
emma-rowling chapter 14 . 8/14/2016
Oh my gosh! Sequel please! I love this story. I love Dean and Roman's bromance and I thought you wrote it very good. And Bray targeting Dean? Yes please :-)
Debwood-1999 chapter 14 . 8/14/2016
This SCREAMS for a sequel! I'll get my Wybrose from you yet! LOL;)

But those are all good points Bray made. When you think about it, Romie put himself and his own interests, ahead of Dean. If Dean meant so much to Romie, he would have involved outside help, right? Instead, he pretended to be Superman and tried to play hero, only to fall on his face. He was thinking with the wrong body part, meaning he wasn't using his head (another good point).

Whatever you decide, I can't wait to read it!
june3law chapter 14 . 8/14/2016
Great chapter...wonder what the next test will be.
Debwood-1999 chapter 13 . 8/1/2016
"Why did you go to Seth, when you know he wouldn't answer you?" That's the $64,000 question right there! That's what I want answered! Why did Roman go to Seth? I think Roman wanted to play hero. Maybe he didn't want to get Seth in trouble with law enforcement. So many possible answers, but I still think he wanted to be the one who saved Dean, and it didn't work out like he thought it would. Roman's a fake hero, and Bray's about to reveal it! That's what I think anyway.

*Crosses fingers and chants "Wybrose! Wybrose! Wybrose!* Sorry, my bias is showing, but I ship Bray and Dean HARD!
june3law chapter 13 . 8/1/2016
Great chapter. . .Wonder if Dean will ask him that question and what he will say. Hopefully they will tell each other how they really feel.
Debwood-1999 chapter 12 . 7/20/2016
If this review sounds a bit familiar, it's because I'd accidentally posted a review as a Guest, and it has some of the same points.

My guess here is that Romie's gonna be exposed as a fake hero. Instead of calling the police or hiring a private investigator to find Dean, he tried to take the search into the ring. He'd assumed that he could beat Seth in a match and force the little weasel to reveal Dean's whereabouts, and then swoop in to save the day, like the Superman he isn't.

Only problem is, Romie ASSUMED, and as a result, he got embarassed, not just once (J & J) but twice (the Wyatts). My guess is that Dean will call him out on that assumption. Perhaps Romie didn't want to involve the police because he wanted to beat Seth decisively and salvage his pride.

I think Seth was gonna let Dean die, and then torment Romie by promising to reveal Dean's whereabouts. And while Romie spun his wheels, Seth would gloat in his victory, knowing that as long as he could dangle that carrot in front of Romie's face, he'd always have the upper hand.

If Romie'd really wanted to rescue his "brother," then he should have taken immediate action. Because he didn't, the Authority will continue to run roughshod all over the WWE. Wouldn't you rather put away someone who's capable of kidnapping, assault and attempted murder so that they won't be able to pull this again?

This is merely armchair quarterbacking, but if I'd been in Romie's position, I'd have called the police, maybe hired a detective, used the media, anything and everything at my disposal to find Dean.

Clever idea, bundling Dean off with a couple of NXT stars. Never expected Bayley and Solomon/Sami Callahan. They're far away enough from the Authority's grasp that they won't be harmed, and they're last people I expected to show up. But how'd they sense that someone was down in the basement?

Interesting how Dean kinda leaned INTO Bray instead of flinching away from him. Perhaps they have a relationship that nobody is yet aware of? Please say yes, please say yes! LOL. Yeah, I shamelessly ship Wybrose. But, am I evil to hope that Dean and Bray wind up together in the end?

Can't wait for the next update! Hurry soon!:)
june3law chapter 12 . 7/20/2016
Glad they found him. Wonder what Bray had planned.
Debwood-1999 chapter 11 . 7/10/2016
Holy Smokes! Dean's not only alive, but he looks healthy?! Okay, I'm scratching my head right now. We absolutely HAVE to know what happened between the kidnapping and the end of the match!

I'm gonna hazard another guess and say that Seth and his Authority Funsters tortured Dean to the point where he's about dead and handed him off to Bray (I'm sure he's one of the points of view in the next few chapters) to get rid of Dean's body. Only Dean wasn't dead, and Bray couldn't bring himself to do what was asked; he's not that cruel. So he nursed Dean back to health (some of the time Dean was gone was time recovering from his injuries) until NOC, when Dean was healthy enough to return for his revenge.

That's kinda what I think happened, but I could be totally wrong;) Anyway, I hope you update soon! Don't keep us all in suspense!
Guest chapter 11 . 7/10/2016
DAMN good story ... Great Job!
june3law chapter 11 . 7/10/2016
Thanks for the update. Glad Dean is ok. Wonder what he will have to say.
gamesgrl5887 chapter 11 . 7/9/2016
Yay! I am so glad Dean is back! I cannot wait to see what happened to Dean.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/27/2016
The more I read this, the more I'm starting to believe that the kidnapping is a setup.

Every time Romie's gone up against someone, be it the Wyatts or Rollins, he's been made to look foolish. Which makes me ask the question, "Why isn't Romie getting someone outside the WWE involved? Why hasn't he hired a private investigator? Why does he have to play Superman? Why does he have to be THE HERO?" It's almost like he's Sisyphus rolling the boulder up the hill, only to have it roll back down, and instead of changing his tactic, he's doing the same thing.

I'll hazard a guess right now and say that DEAN'S behind his own kidnapping. Perhaps he was fed up with Romie taking the spotlight, and he's joined the dark side in secret to weaken Romie and force Rollins out of the Authority (maybe Rollins is becoming a liability instead of an asset) so that he can take his place.

Imagine... Dean's joined the Authority in secret, Seth has him kidnapped, unaware that Dean's part of the Authority, and once Dean makes his appearance, the Authority turns on Seth and forces him out. The Architect gets beaten at his own game. Romie looks vulnerable and he's no longer Superman.
june3law chapter 10 . 5/27/2016
Great chapter...Hopefully Dean will come back at Night of Champions.
Otaku of Yaoi chapter 9 . 5/6/2016
Keep writing! Keep writing! Keep writing!
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