Reviews for Got It
Me chapter 9 . 11/16/2016
Thank you so much for sharing. Your writing flow is addictive. Hope for more stories from you soon. Lots of Hugs and kisses
Guest chapter 9 . 9/14/2016
wow.. nice ending. you've written it beautifully. can u plz write a Ben/OC story too..
cc744 chapter 9 . 12/8/2015
Awesome work. Well written, fleshed out, characterizations and kinda gives a clear vision of "the future." I really miss covert affairs and there's so much potential storylines. Please write more.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/3/2015
Thank you so much for writing this story. I enjoyed it very much. Your writing is so good.I think that you have truly captured the CA characters. All your stories are so good. I look forward to more. I appreciate all the time that goes into your writing.
NightOwlHoot chapter 8 . 12/3/2015
We didn’t get too much backstory on Ryan, just some tidbits, but I thought enough to assume he wouldn’t care too much about Annie’s past or past actions. I also don’t think he’s the type to harbor resentment over her mission decisions. I thought about making him less friendly towards Ben in the end, but that also rang false to me for his character. Hope you all liked it and it was awkward, not easy to see a former lover. . . or be the bigger person and thank them for helping your current flame. Glad to finish something. I’m good at starting, but bad at wrapping up. . . started another one inspired by Adele’s album. . . a mishmash of the songs made me think some more about my own life and of course Annie and Ryan and CA. I have to work on Detours and Demons. Not sure why feeling resistance. . . THANKS for reviews and reading! Brings light to my days.
CAFan chapter 9 . 12/1/2015
Nice ending, although I am saddened by an end to any of your stories! Thought it was very much in Ben's character-a little self-serving, a little reckless, but still carrying a torch for Annie. I like that you have her so confident in her decision to leave the field. I feel like if she ever did make that call, she would have to jump with both feet and not look back. Well done and thank you!
poohbear chapter 9 . 11/30/2015
The interaction between Ben and Ryan was very awkward, but funny. I like how Ben, Ryan, and Annie farewell end.
NightOwlHoot chapter 9 . 11/30/2015
pseudonymitous, don’t sweat it. Adele is everywhere and rightly so, she’s amazing and i love how low key she is. a bit like AW’s character, she doesn’t realize how awesome she is, it’s the humility that draws me in. glad i’m not the only one inspired by CA and Adele. Keep writing sister!
pseudonymitous chapter 1 . 11/27/2015
I'm sorry- I swear I didn't read this before I started my own S5 post-mortem inspired by Hello. Luckily this is much better than mine. Good work.
guest chapter 7 . 11/16/2015
Kinda hate for you to wrap this one up too! Enjoying every word. Thanks for the new chapter!
kaitlin1198 chapter 7 . 11/16/2015
Nice chapter! Great work, can't wait to read more.
NightOwlHoot chapter 7 . 11/16/2015
Thanks for all the reviews and the reactions! I love reading your thoughts. I miss Th nights too. Oh well. . . at least I have this outlet for now. I do love the characters and imagining their dialogue and what goes on in their heads. Annie does deserve a more stable lifestyle, but is she built that way after her life as a covert operative? I wonder. . .
guest chapter 6 . 11/12/2015
Thank you for writing this story. It's Thursday night and I'm missing the show.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/4/2015
Say it ain't so-come on, Ben, don't drag Annie back into the mud for your own selfish reasons. Gee, find some guts and some measure of integrity and cut her loose-regardless of the cost to you. She said she "got it" so let her get out! Time to live a semi-normal life with a husband, kids, a dog, and soccer carpool. Maybe start a business or work for a nonprofit like Valerie Plame.
Covert Affairs Intelligence chapter 6 . 11/4/2015
This is so good although I'm not 100% sure I see where it is going! I'm hoping that Ryan will get to FL b4 Joan does though! But then if Ryan finds Ben on a tape what will he think? And what did Joan mean by clear everything? Who will get there first?
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