Reviews for The Dead still Dream
Mhilano chapter 69 . 8/10
Cute chapter! I love this story so much. Whenever things start to go “too well” I get suspicious haha. I’m honestly shocked Beth’s still carrying after all the stress and pain she’s been through. I mean, she was shot!
Mhilano chapter 68 . 8/10
Omg poor Beth. She just can’t catch a break!
Mhilano chapter 57 . 8/10
Damn :( and ugh Grady is an awful place
Mhilano chapter 50 . 8/9
Omg this is crazy. Sooooo good
Mhilano chapter 48 . 8/9
I really hope all the talk about babies and children isn’t foreshadowing hahaha. And wow what a rough way to go for our fallen friends
Mhilano chapter 46 . 8/9
Hahahaha omg the room service
Mhilano chapter 44 . 8/9
Oh wow, what a chapter. That was intense. I had suspicions from the last few chapters. Really hope she’s sick because she’s stressed and not because she’s pregnant...
Mhilano chapter 39 . 8/9
I knew it lol. Surprised that Maggie wasn’t more angry, but I’m relieved!
Mhilano chapter 38 . 8/9
Surely they won’t get away with it hahaha
Mhilano chapter 37 . 8/9
Oooft. Carl got burnt
Mhilano chapter 36 . 8/9
Oh no, here we go! :P
Mhilano chapter 35 . 8/9
Hahaha, oh no. Thought this might happen! Definitely going to blow up in Beth’s face
Mhilano chapter 33 . 8/9
My favourite chapter so far! Their banter is so sweet
ShortCake4616 chapter 90 . 7/6
I just finished reading your story, and I wanted to say thank you! You gave me all the feels and fix-its I wanted for Beth and Daryl. I loved seeing Beth grow into a strong confident woman and mother, and to see Daryl let his walls down and become the caring, sweet man we all know him to be. This story is fantastic, and you did an amazing job writing it. I hope you keep writing, and maybe even bless us with another Bethyl fic down the road.
HarryJamesPotterismyhero chapter 19 . 6/14
My heart ugh
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