Reviews for Rise of the Hollow King
Guest chapter 6 . 3/29
here is the laughter you need (Ha HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ha ah ha ha ha ha hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a.
blackrockshooter007 chapter 15 . 3/30
This is such an amazing story, i will wait patiently for the next chapter, I cant wait to see where it goes to. hope your doing well.
Sebine chapter 15 . 8/21/2019
not bad all in all
needs more lesbians, but really, what doesn't
Sebine chapter 12 . 8/21/2019
you cunt
Sebine chapter 9 . 8/21/2019
Choke Off? the release command for MurciƩlago is Enclose or Imprison for Viz
Sebine chapter 7 . 8/21/2019
Really hoping for Tatsuki/Orihime, but not counting on it
Sebine chapter 4 . 8/21/2019
your grammar needs some work
Krystian Garlicki chapter 1 . 7/13/2018
Will it be next? If so then when?
Natsu is Awesome chapter 15 . 5/25/2018
Glad to see you're back, I really put off reading this chapter. But, the week before finals so I figured now would be a good time to read some stuff I left for a rainy day.

Nice chapter, bit confusing since I can barely remember what happened before. I know Tatsu fought Yoru and Soi(won) ran from Kis and nearly got squashed by Uno. Grimm and Kenny took each other out. and Kaname stabbed Fire Beard in the back. Oh, and there was a drunk monkey and a Centurion who became his chariot or something.

Right, hope you can get the next chapter out sooner than a year.

Relationships. The don't have to be sexual to be romantic, usually it's one and the other, but it's not always needed. I like what you're doing with Orihime. Ichigo did love Orihime and that's what pushed Ichigo to 'birth' Shiro in the first place, he was made to protect the Princess.
Nel, I see it more along the lines of enjoying 'itsiko's'(don't know how to spell how she said it) company more along the lines of a simple "friend"(since Shiro doesn't really do that). But if the memories of Ichigo keep seeping through, then he'll feel the trust and respect he had for Nel when she fought to protect her. As well as not placing her in dangerous positions, or areas beneath her because they're safer and he still views her as a little kid. Some indirect way to show how he does care for her. Love doesn't have to be physical or in your face, it can be something simple and sweet to keep them from hurting themself.

... Right, weren't Lisa and Mashiro turned into (totally not for sex) slaves by 8?
kalmaegi chapter 15 . 5/23/2018
I guess Shiro forgot the reason he was born, why Ichigo and Zangetsu merged into one being. The fundamental core that made Kurosaki Ichigo the way he is (the heart?). Or maybe he does remember but just doesn't understand (heavy denial)? Even as a very powerful Arrancar, he's still a Hollow afterall. He already admitted that his memories have no emotions attached to them. It's stripped of what's important.

Still, it's kinda amusing to see him so frustrated at having to deal with feelings. His reaction when Tatsuki let out the once catatonic princess almost makes up for the grief and horror and mayhem he started. He's so funny. Might as well make fun of him since he started this in the first place. I need to take some joy out of the despair this story keeps dishing out.
Other than the good fights of course.

The twins are separated and on different sides. Aww shit. Gin is scheming as usual and Aizen is too arrogant and preoccupied with thoughts of revenge (his long winded speeches is what made him really boring). Really sad on what happened to the Vizards ("We are allies of Ichigo" Shinji...). At least Orihime gets to have a fellow human to keep her company. If Shiro will ever let those two meet, that is.

Despite everything, I'm really glad to see friendships from the series intact in this story. The most prominent example of course is Tatsuki. I'm just relieved she's still the same even as a Hollow and all the horror that entails. I was like 'Yay Tatsuki gets to fight' and 'Oh God no'.

Throughout this story, I keep fretting about Orihime. I probably resembled the newly turned Tatsuki since I spent the 10 chapters anxious about her wellbeing. And when Shiro decided to take full advantage of his leftover memories to play with Tatsuki, I was frightened. But I should have known Inoue Orihime would defy expectations and be the one to unnerve Shiro instead. Even if unfortunately the power dynamics remain on that guy's favor. *shudder*

Damnit it Ichigo why did you have to be an idiot and die? Save your mother from this nightmare, Kazui. Kidding aside, I'm perfectly fine with Gen so you have my vote for no romance. Romance is a hit or miss subplot when it comes to this kind of story anyway.
CreationGod chapter 15 . 3/6/2018
Please please please, whatever you do, pkease dont make this story a romance of any kind. This is my own personal oppinion but i swear theres a dozen other stories with BAMF ichigo with a whole battalion of ships, please be different.
Anyways, now that im done begging, I LOVE THIS STORY. Deep love, true love, all consuming love. Yes! This is great! I am in total love with ambitious Ichigo, and i know that he's shiro now but im still kinda referring him as Ichigo. I adore how he just took control. I love how twisted his personality is compared with baby Ichigo. I love the war. I adore how you let Aizen survive for more angst. I love, love, love, everybodies thoughts and reactions to this new Hollow King. I hope you post more soon, i really enjoyed this story!
nlolDslsllz chapter 6 . 2/10/2018
I want to enjoy this, but the sort of haphazard personality you've given Shiro is hard to like (being a dick for the sake of being a dick isn't appealing). And this chapter's AN makes it sound like you're doing this just so you can have an excuse to write a story where you kill everyone off. Like who goes into a story thinking "I really want there to be a ton of dead characters by the end, I just can't wait for it."

I'll still read for another few chapters to see if I start liking it more. Spelling and grammar are good so that helps a lot.
AngelicIncubus chapter 15 . 2/4/2018
Orihime being the queen of hollows... What an interesting route.
mehr03 chapter 15 . 1/22/2018
thank you so much for the the ichihime moments and hopefully you will give us more angsty scenes between them. I also really love how you portray shiro. Please udpate soon. Thank you for your hard work :)
nicholas.souddress chapter 10 . 1/17/2018
Holy mother of all ungodly shit! Imaginarium is fucking overpowered!
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