Reviews for Choices
scripturience chapter 1 . 1/3/2017
This is one of your older stories, so I'm sure you've really improved your grammar, but most of your newer works are in fandoms I'm not as comfortable with. So you get a review on this emotional piece.

I love the emotion you put in this. My favorite section was the last one, becuase it was so powerful. The last three lines are my favorite part of the whole piece. I love when common sayings and quotes get put into a fic and useed well, like you did here.

["Yea, we should."] Honestly I've never been a fan of "yea". It might just be personal preference, but I think "yeah" is just more aesthetically pleasing.

[It was awkward...noses where they shouldn't have been and worse, he stiffened.] At first read, I was confused with this line because it read strangely. It seemed like you were trying to convey that their noses were "places they shouldn't have been and worse". I think you meant this: "It was awkward...noses where they shouldn't have been, and worse, he stiffened."

There are lots of awkward spots like this, where some extra proofreading may help your grammar. Missing commas, extra commas, and at one point I'm pretty sure you broke one sentence into two where it should've been one. I'd just say to proofread extra and to vary sentence structure. Otherwise, great job!

Nice fic. I hope to see you around the Palace!
stefanie bean chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
I like stories where friends turn into lovers, and this one didn't disappoint. The painfully awkward approach - the rejection - the embarrassment of seeing the person socially afterwards - the third person who's so clearly a substitute - it's all there.

The description of Annie's house after the tragedy was a gem of sensory detail, with “Her house stank of dust, old food, and dirty underwear.” So sad.

The four choices mentioned in the summary (three wrong, one correct) confused me. It seemed that there were two correct choices: the first was when Annie allowed Finnick to stay with her in NYC (Scene 4) and then when she took the leap of faith in Scene 5. Two separate actions both led to her happy outcome. I guess it makes sense if Annie's NYC decisions were rolled into one. If I misunderstood, I apologize.

It was good that they both got some years and maturity under their belts. I also liked the line about her having “more experience loving him.” It rang true.

This was sweet, and I enjoyed it.
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
ACK. I was not expecting typical teenage love triangle drama when I clicked on this. And while the whole in-love-with-the-best-friend-who-is-already-seeing-someone-else thing is way overdone, you managed to hit me right in the feels with that first section. The description of her reaction just... sgjdhgjnfjbnx I don't have the words to articulate this feeling.

Oh, good, she's trying to move on and repair her friendship, and she even started dating a guy.

Wait. No. What. Her parents died and she just lost it completely. The line about stinky dirty underwear probably wasn't meant to be funny but I laughed at it because eww.

As much as I normally appreciate an angsty ending, I'm glad she grew up and got herself sorted out, and managed to get her happy ending in the end.
oceanole chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
*cries of feels* Lemme just... hics... HUG THEM BOTH UGH THIS IS JUST-
Dame Selena chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Oh who is this Brad?! I liked the small snapshots here, you stated 2 choices, ignore or confront. In the second segment she ignored her feelings, in the third I think she was still running away, in the forth she had the good fortune of another chance with Finnick, and chose it. The last line was the best, I pictured it as both the physical jump and the meaning that she took the chance.
thewanderlustmarauder chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
This is such a good fanfiction! I just love the way you write.
dreams and desperation chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
Gamemakers chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
Ack, so cute. I can't even.

Okay, I should probably try to review this. Um... it's adorable? Like, that last scene and the way it ties back to the first /gushes/

Gosh, I don't really have much else to say besides that it's lovely. Thank you so much for entering, and good luck in the contest!