Reviews for Reaper Hunter
Carthienes chapter 11 . 9/10/2019
An interesting tale - I look forward to hearing more.

A thought occurs, regarding the Alliance's Mass effect technology. Should it not be based on biotics? Ships with a multitude of small mass effect core scattered across them, rather than the single central core we see in the games. I am unsure what (if any) benefits this would provide, though the biotic cruisers are at least likely to be far more redundant in design. They might even learn to mimic some other biotic tricks while they are at it. FTL looks like biotic charge, and shields are biotic barriers, but a starship firing warps? That would be rather interesting response to the Reaper threat.

I also feel that you may have overstated the case for people harvesting their own weapon materials. Over time, people adapt, and hand-mining all the metals a person needs is horrifically inefficient. Perhaps set a scale - the higher the quality of the weapon, the more the wielder needs to provide of it. And the higher the rank of the fighter, the more they need to provide to prove their rank. Regular soldiers might only harvest 50% of their materials (include an animal, i.e. leather lining for stamina) and hunt in larger squads, whilst a hunter would expect to provide all but the fiddlies (if a weapon needs one more steel pin to hold it together, the smith won't summon the hunter to go mining again), and even then, will often provide the expected fiddlies.

Not trying to offend your work, but the absolution of the current setup doth strain my incredulity somewhat.

Apologies, and good luck.
JesterDGrowlithe chapter 11 . 3/18/2019
Came here expecting Hunter Hunter crossover, realized that it was actually a mmorpg crossover, and I must say you made a good work writing this.
The only thing I can suggest is for you to stop writing every damn thing a person is wearing in one paragraph, just say "His black fingernails drew the eye, they were made from Devilman McEvilmonger blood." and "Her boots of Furious Furry Fox Fowl lifted a cloud of dust as she dashed towards her opponent." and etc.
OmegaUltima chapter 11 . 3/7/2019
Love what I've seen so far, looking forward to seeing more, hopefully soon~
Jumper chapter 11 . 2/21/2019
I got introduced to this via jumpchain, but I'm super glad I took the time to read it! I really hope this gets continued.
Knightwolf1875 chapter 11 . 10/12/2018
This is a very good story. I hope you can update it soon.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/15/2018
please update
aslaalsa chapter 11 . 9/1/2018
I love when an author is able to pull off a great fanfic so far from a weird combinations of games
Axccel chapter 10 . 8/4/2018
The mental image of Anderson backhanding missiles is sooooo magnificent! Bet he's marching, too, like a boss.

Quake is awesome, Quake is love.
Cerberusx chapter 7 . 6/18/2018
Curious why humanity didn't try taming monsters. That would be pretty useful.
Cerberusx chapter 5 . 6/18/2018
Really surprised Shepard's mentor is Hackett. In Mass Effect it is Anderson. No disrespect to the Glaive, but I prefer the Great Sword or the dual daggers.
Ilireanwri chapter 4 . 6/10/2018
You could give Jack the Gore Magala Dual Blades (which are even bigger Claws with a Blade attached to each wrist ;)...)
Ilireanwri chapter 11 . 5/13/2018
I love this story, it's awesome :). I like how the System Alliance is an interesting mix between primitive and futuristic. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
I assume Nakarkos is the equivalent of Cerberos?
Ilireanwri chapter 10 . 5/13/2018
Hmm, I'm curious how the Quarians and the Krogans will get along with the System Alliance. I can see the Krogans actually respect them (or at least the Hunters) because they can identify themselves with them to a certain degree as their development was rather similar (both evolved on a World where there were countless dangerous Apex Predators and there was constant struggle to survive).
Ilireanwri chapter 9 . 5/13/2018
Hmm, it would be nice to read a story where Saren won't go off the deep end... Maybe distrusting the System Alliance and not liking them, but not to the point where he becomes nothing more than a rabid dog. Could you do that?
Ilireanwri chapter 7 . 5/13/2018
Ohohoho, the Batarians are about to poke an enraged Tigrex and don't even know it... Can't wait to see them humiliated :)
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