Reviews for That Window
Anna Jaganshi chapter 1 . 3/29/2007
I'm guessing it was Hiei. That's that. :) That was another very depressing one, but it was in a good way. Keep up the great work, whether it's depressing or not, you write very well.
Indecisive Mind chapter 1 . 9/27/2005
I don't see anything either...uh...
HarmonyHanyou chapter 1 . 3/17/2005
Ah.. I don't see anything... O.O
deact chapter 1 . 3/4/2005
I can't read it!
obsydia chapter 1 . 1/30/2005
ah! i want to read this story! but for some reason, nothing is showing up... its like you uploaded a blank document..and i know its just me because others have reviewed it! "
lilyholic chapter 1 . 8/20/2004
Ack.. symbols.

Anyways, that was very moving and sad. Perfectly placed words. I'd give this a 10.
SlyTetsuya chapter 1 . 7/20/2004
Very poignant in its stark presentation. It's definitely got the raw edge to it that one feels when somebody's ripped from them in such a way.
TamedTempest chapter 1 . 7/17/2004
OMG! That was great! You are so going on my list of " 's Greatest fics!" This was great! *claps*It was a great change from all that mary sue and CYOA Sh*t. Ya I know you wrote it long ago, I just found it now.


PS. My List of the Greatest Fics:

w. geocities immortal_rosez/ Great_Fanfics/

I'm still working on it_
Lanie McCoy chapter 1 . 6/16/2004
Wow...that was really good. It's the kind of thing you can read over and appreciate more the second time.
What2callmyself chapter 1 . 5/22/2004
that was so sad. *sniffle* *sob* *cry* but so true. There are few that everyone can turn to in order to help. Few that always help, never failing to help and always trying to ease the pain of others. Those few are taken for granted and when those few are gone everyone realizes that they were never really cared about in the first place. Those few were just a way to go on.
Ataure chapter 1 . 2/14/2004
I like the concept behind this fic. Very interesting.
Baron von Riktenstein chapter 1 . 11/11/2003
Surprisingly, I have no flames.

I liked it, and it really made sense.

Great job.

*Blood, Rain, & Roses*

Trocks chapter 1 . 10/13/2003
actually i liked this stroy! *clicks Add story to my Favorite Stories list*
R Amythest chapter 1 . 9/30/2003
Aww *sniffles* so depressing.,. yet so very well written! *huggles Fox statue*

You're so talented! Write more!
purplechaos04 chapter 1 . 7/31/2003
That was so good! It's true though, Kurama hides everything inside, although in one of the movies we find out about his past a bit. Oh I love yr profile! I agree w/ EVERYTHING on it except for Saito/Sano pairings, I love 'em! _ But other than that, I love everything in yr profile! _ And I love angst! Although I do try to balance it out by reading some fluff occasionally... angst rules! But it seems like there aren't that many good angsty stories out there lately. Wait... Kenshin's a slut? What? hehee
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