Reviews for The Amazingly Astounding Bill Cipher Ask of AMAZEMENT!
guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
I have no idea if this is how this works 'cause this thing says "review" and not "question" so I'm probably not doing this right and I'm probably coming off as stupid but whatever I'm gonna give it a shot.

So Bill, what plane of existence are you on right now? What form are you in? How do you feel about the axolotl after he gave you this second chance even though you destroyed your own entire dimension and went on an angry, depressed rampage, attempting to take over another dimension just to party to distract yourself from your own internal torment and tortured countless people and tried to murder two children in front of their family before those very same children and their uncles defeated you?
Sorry, is that subject too touchy for you? You did say we could ask you anything.
Hey I'm also 13 chapter 2 . 12/31/2018
This I an amazing astounding fic. Thank the gods someone thought of this.
Navy Apocalypse 321 chapter 4 . 10/7/2018
Question, what are your thoughts on Disney.
ghost.writer-m chapter 1 . 9/7/2018
Let's just get straight to the DO all the left socks go? I heard from somewhere that sock goblins steal them, but its was 4am when I read that so I don't put too much stock in it. When do I die? Becausemy goal is before college starts, I won't have to go through that horrifying experience, and I get to die! THAT'S the dream.
DragonRyd3r chapter 12 . 5/13/2018
I have two questions for you, oh great and triangular Bill Cipher:
1. What strings did you have to pull to get your face on all the money?
2. I am currently writing a story where you possess Alex Hirsch to take over the show, would you ever consider doing something like that in real life?
Guest chapter 12 . 2/26/2018
What does the code say?!
Kalibrius chapter 12 . 12/23/2017
I believe we met before when you tried to forcibly enter one of my avatars minds. If you don't remember here's two hints:I'm second eldest diety currently around and my concepts are knowledge, space(as in where a person is not astronomy), and Reflection
So here's my two questions and cents here
Are you planning on interacting with warhammer 40K and or the shin Megami tensei universes?
Have you ever thought of becoming a god?
And on a side note stay away from new eden that's my territory and don't think I've not noticed your little incursions in the dream district. So leave my charges alone or I'll rip you a new eye hole
The Evil Alfred chapter 12 . 8/20/2017
So, Mr. Illuminati Dorito, how's that plan to flood the world using the moon going?

Also, what's your favorite method of torturing people? Mine's playing "It's A Small World After All" at full volume on a surround sound speaker system.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/8/2017
Hey Bill what's up? Lets make a deal... If you possess my favorite authors and make all my ships cannon, you can possess me or whatever
Paul Mahoney chapter 12 . 8/7/2017
I can have 2 questions so here they are:
1: Considering what little I know of the nightmare realm, that is it's crazy, connected to our minds, hosts horrible creatures of unimaginable power, etc. It reminds me of another realm I encountered in my travels, connected to two similar both with a weapon in their name. Battle axe, war . . . hammer, something. But the question is have you ever encountered a realm that is: Host to a big green snotbag, a purple sex maniac, a red guy with anger issues, and a blue guy who is pretty similar in method to you; Allows FTL travel for one of the realities it is connected to, grants select individuals psychic powers, and acts as a corrupting influence upon that reality.
2:I noticed that your power seems to be greatest in weird areas. Considering what you are, do you get any kind of power bump in so-called "Lovecraft County"?
Poop a potato chapter 12 . 7/23/2017
During the song deCIPHER, did Ford play the saxophone?
Lollipop the trashbag chapter 12 . 7/22/2017
1: have you met will cipher? You need to help him
2: I know what you did and I know you regret it
BLAME THE ARSON FOR THE FIRE. I forgive you, Bill cipher.
mirrorman chapter 12 . 7/19/2017
*places magic mirror in front of Bill somehow*
Behold! Mirror, steal now the impression of his soul. Twist it, convert it. Create his opposite!
All who gaze upon the Mirror of Morgou shall face their antithesis, who uses against them their greatest strengths and greatest inner weaknesses! *Bill's Antithesis is created* This shall both a battle of epic proportions and a great feels moment. *mirrorman begins passing popcorn out to demons who have gathered to watch the battle*
kendramccormick chapter 12 . 7/3/2017
Hi Bill. I had a few questions.
1. What did you mean when you said you like Gompers the goat "better this way"? As opposed to what way?
2. Can you watch people through dollar bills?
Thank you.
Mr. Tattle chapter 8 . 5/17/2017
Hey, Bill. That dapper, scalene demon you mentioned- she's got the hots for you. Why don't ya date her?
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