Reviews for Lazarus
ccase1313 chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
Great Story!
LittleRobinRedbreast chapter 1 . 11/23/2015
This story was done beautifully. I really loved it! Sam is my favorite character and it's heartwarming to see him actually get thanked for once. I also really enjoyed having Dean at the end; it was the icing on the cake. Your writing is absolutely amazing. Keep up the great work! :)
Twinchester Angel chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
Awwwww this was beautiful! Brilliantly written. I really liked Elena too. I loved that Dean came back and was instantly all protective of Sam and omg, the Always Keep Fighting line at the end was just amazing. I loved this. Thank you so much for sharing. And you too, always keep fighting. *hugs*
Kas3y chapter 1 . 11/11/2015
This was actually great :D
Lovey way for Dean to find out :D Keep up the amazing work :)
deanssammy chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
Hey girl. love this story. had little tears in my eyes from the beginning but at the end when ALWAYS KEEP FIGHTING came you had me. and i shed a few tears. really good story. if you need someone to talk i can be there for you. gonna pm you.
Ezra chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
This is definitely one of the most heart wrenching things I've ever read. The sincerity and genuine concern shown helped me connect to the story in ways I'm not sure I'm comfortable with yet. You are a fantastic writer.
Anoni chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
This is really great. You did amazing job. Well done :D
reannablue chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
That's definitely a much better ending to that episode. I did like the episode because Sam was amazing in it, but I did wish for him to ask for help when he was infected. I love that you have worked "Always Keep Fighting" into the story. I haven't ordered my shirts yet but I plan to tomorrow. I too, have shirts from the other campaigns and love what Jared is doing. Thanks for the story!
JudyH chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
That was a wonderful read! It's always depressing to see Sam hold his own life and self worth as being less than anyone else's. He's been ready to sacrifice himself way too many times to be considered healthy. I liked Elena; I think meeting her allowed him to step outside himself and say the encouraging words to her that he also needed to hear himself.
It's nice to have a happy ending to a Winchester story now and again...we all need that, don't we?
Colby's girl chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
Well done. A very sensitive approach to a difficult subject.
SamDeanLover28 chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
clairvoyantsam chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
Oh my God, I'm literally crying right now! This was honestly breathtaking :o I've always loved your writing but this ... this feels so unique. I can't thank you enough for this story. I mean, I already knew it would be amazing but now that I've read it, it has claimed a special place in my heart. I loved it every bit of it. Sam's detailed POV which the show lacks most of the time unfortunately was such a treat. I really enjoy reading about how he feels, what his thoughts are and I believe you were spot on. Sam is such a pure and kind soul, always ready to sacrifice himself to save others but the way he sees himself as dirty and worthless, spreading only pain, suffering and death breaks my heart to a million pieces. I wish he could see how important he is because Sam is truly a hero. I know he'll never see himself as one but it was nice to see those people thanking him for saving them from the infection. It sure made him feel a little better about himself. The addition of Dean to the story was so great, I really needed something like this to happen in the show and it didn't so thank you so much for delivering! It always makes me feel warm when we see Dean's protective and caring side. And of course how can I not refer to the character of Elena? I just ... I have no words. I could actually picture myself in my head interacting with Sam. It's as if he really talked to me. The bond they shared is wonderful to me. He was so friendly towards her, he really cared and she did too. He gave her hope. Sometimes I feel a lot like Sam, I relate to him so much. That's why he's my favorite character, his struggles inspire me and both him and Jared in RL give me strength to keep fighting ,*I totally adored Sam saying 'Always Keep Fighting' !*. I'm not ashamed to admit I suffer from mental illness but the people who should be there for me are not and it's so difficult trying to win this battle alone. I derive my strenth from my SPN family and even if this sounds silly to some, it's very important to me. I feel blessed to have a friend like you, Devan and I feel blessed to find acceptance in this fandom. I don't know where I'd be without the friends I've made through it. They are my real friends, the ones I can count on, like you. I also know about your struggles and I admire you because despite the problems life throws your way, you don't give up and you always find a way to pick your self up and keep going. So, my friend, I say to you Always Keep Fighting too and I want you to know I will always cherish your friendship and this wonderful story. You're an inspiration and you are a gift to everyone who knows you, never forget that. God bless you 3
Moydra chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
While I really enjoyed the episode, I like your version much better! Thank you for sharing.