Reviews for All's Fair In Love And War
wolf girl811 chapter 10 . 9/28/2018
ooo the story curtain, not closing!? no one shot bad guys ooo anticipation!
Rian Moeru chapter 9 . 5/28/2018
Well the Combiners are certainly going to give them a handful of trouble o.o
KayleeChiara chapter 8 . 3/11/2018
Great chapter that shows how much the lessons Barricade has been giving Sam has really helped... Sam, although in a desperate situation, is able to defend herself but now they are surrounded. I know cliffhangers are a good tool to keep the reader interested and a great place for the writer to take a breather but ahhhhh. Chuckle. Thanks for writing and I'm looking forward to reading the next update.
wolf girl811 chapter 8 . 3/9/2018
I think the thing that makes this worse is if they revive Megatron later Dx
make them work for it sam!
wolf girl811 chapter 7 . 12/24/2017
I wonder if will get to explore some interesting things with the new Decepticons? Do they get to offer something other than being main bad guys? but I really enjoy the drama rookie sam against some Decepticons could go many ways maybe she impress them enough to pull what barricade did? or make them work for it since the real deal is a lot more challenging and some of them I think would really enjoy fighting dirty or pulling a situation against her to force surrender.
Sunstreaker's Girl chapter 7 . 12/24/2017
I'm loving this fic. I like the twist where Sam is a femme. Good job!
wolf girl811 chapter 1 . 12/9/2017
the setting is pretty awesome so far with barricade and sam interaction barricade being gentle with the rightfully wary lass considering their meetings in life and sam and speed dating is a surprise I bet it fun! make you wish we could read how some of them went
the bit with Barricade researching and his composure for music and his contributions with music data was a delight to read about and Sam interested in there next meeting and that bit of custom bride kidnapping for dating for world-building make you think there might be more traditions for bot courting for ground air and places I wouldn't be surprised if there a chase and stunts for wooing or bird of paradise type of courtship and gift so much confusion would happen for sam it be fun and educational for both parties trying it for fun perhaps? pfft

you know what I really love the sam a femme stories you do I also like how you give sam less stress by including the other femmes later to take the stress off sam but im curious about an au twist where Sam turns out to be the only fertile and healthy femme left! like the war damaged the others femme ability to have sparklings their bodies rejecting to carrying new life or flat out can't anymore. now that situation would be a punch in the spark and a stress inducer when that fact is found out to sam!
wolf girl811 chapter 6 . 12/8/2017
im so intrigued by this so very happy to see this updated!
Rian Moeru chapter 4 . 11/17/2015
Aw, so sweet c: And poor Starscream, trapped under the paperwork...
DecepticonQueen chapter 4 . 11/15/2015
queen sighs what are we gonna do with you cade... cause i know quite a few autobots that would just beat the slag out of you XD
demon.lvr chapter 4 . 11/14/2015
Yay, playing cassettes! Thank you! I love this story so far. You're an awesome writer.
Demon.lover chapter 3 . 11/12/2015
Matchmaker Soundwave! I love this, can you please show a little bit of the cassettes playing with Sam? Maybe Ratbat, Rumble, or Frenzy? That would be adorable.
TheJMyster chapter 4 . 11/14/2015
and so it begins


good luck barricade
Demon.lover chapter 2 . 11/9/2015
Yeah... Sam is already unsure about you, and your brilliant solution is to kidnap her. That's going to go well. So is this kidnapping courtship in anyway related to Stockholm syndrome? Cool idea though, sarcasm aside.
Rian Moeru chapter 3 . 11/10/2015
Nice to see the Barricade and Soundwave 'teaming' up in a sense! And that Starscream isn't having everything going his way!

But if Starscream catches winds of their plans, he's seriously going to be ticked off!
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