Reviews for Ugly Past, Beautiful Future
Tina chapter 36 . 7/10/2018
Honestly, this story had so many flaws I couldn't find it enjoyable. I'm surprised you received 0 constructive criticism at all! Maybe my reading it all at once made it easier to spot discrepancies and issues compared to other reviewers.

I'm on my phone so I dont really feel like giving you a full blown novel run down of all the pros and cons but you have tons of room for improvement.
Tina chapter 28 . 7/10/2018
So Izaya experiences a vicious sexual assault that is clearly traumatic to his character and what does your Shizuo do as far as emotional "growth"? Hostility and lust. Rather than work with Izaya on his trauma, you have Shizu viewing him as a sexual object in his dreams...and in reality, anger and constant berating. Not to mention Izayas wishy washy emotional turmoil itself. I get you want him to appear strong and unaffected but it clashes so much with his outbursts it's like the rape and the PTSD that accompanied it is played off as a "quirk"
Tina chapter 24 . 7/10/2018
Oh my God. After the 24th chapter, you would think you as the author would know where your characters are going. But no. Every new chapter, Shizuos feelings reset. Beginning of chap: I hate Izaya. End of chap: I care for Izaya? You need to be more consistent in your plot and characterizations. It's like you tried too hard to draw out the story but end up going in a never ending circle.
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 36 . 11/14/2016
Thank You. I really enjoyed reading. It was long, had lots of action(not enough sex for my Shizaya meter though!), and quite the mystery. Has a lot of what I love. Thanks again for the AWESOME reads. Until next fic!
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 6 . 11/12/2016
I know the fics are the most important, but those faces! I love them. How did you make that last one at the end? Those eyes and that nose . Love it!
RyouSyki chapter 36 . 7/20/2016
thanks for not killing Izaya. It makes me cry when people do that
inlovewithshizaya chapter 36 . 7/5/2016
Phew! You almost got me there. One part of me belived that Izaya was dead, another part kept screaming: "NOOOO! He can't be dead!"
I'm happy you decided on letting Izaya life. It was a great, no... an AWESOME story and I really love it. Each chapter was so well written and the depth of emotions and the choice of words... Hah, I can't tell you enough how I love this story.
Final Fantasy 7, huh? Reminds me of the times I was still writing fanfics in my mother tongue. Hehehe
Anyway, have a nice summer break and thank you for not giving up on this story.
mimi-chan and aliling-chan chapter 36 . 7/4/2016
This is one of the best stories I had ever read. I'm sorry for not reviewing but I had followed and favourite your story. I've been stalking this story for a long time. And I'm finally glad it's finished.

Thank you very much for completing this story even if I rarely review but I stick to a good story till the end. So once again thank you for this story. It was one of the best. You wrote the last chapter nicely. Especially the suspenseful part where Shizuo thought Izaya is gone. I was almost tricked into thinking the same. But Shizuo's, if only I can act that part out but my cousin is staying with my family temporary so it'll be super awkward
LeviIshikawa chapter 36 . 7/4/2016
I can't believe it's over Q.Q I really love this story and I'm really glad you finished it. all the chapters felt so authentic and well structured, the characters in place and the heart of you as an author in it made it more graphic and catchy. I always waited for your update. I just want to say thank you, and if you like to write an FF7 story, I am in. can't say it just once: really thank you for given me such a good time. greetings from Germany, it's 00:00 and thats the best bedtime present ever XD
inlovewithshizaya chapter 35 . 6/29/2016
Awww You’re making me blush Anyway, you’re welcome.
Now on to the story!
Hahaha I bet the people of ‘bukuro thought that Shizu-chan staying calm would be a sign that the apocalypse is coming.
And I bet this stupid K-guy thinks of himself all high and mighty. can’t wait for Izaya and Shizu-chan to wipe that stupid smug grin from his stupid face.
For real?! There could be a bonus chapter to this story?! Yaay XD
Kiririinshi chapter 34 . 6/21/2016
damn so hot!
Kimiyu chapter 34 . 6/19/2016
This chapter was sooo hot 3
It's amazing! Thank you for updating! :D
inlovewithshizaya chapter 34 . 6/17/2016
*having a nosebleed* I just loved this chappy, especially how Shizu-chan was still careful of his little Fleas despite all the passion. But the best part is that they both plan to settle the score together. I’m so exited for the last two chapters.
Nona chapter 34 . 6/17/2016
Uuuh ... wuohhhh ... that was ... smoldering! ;-) But well, I got a question here: I don't know if I missed it but what happened to carved words on Izayas back? I mean, aren't there scares yet the ingraved words left? And what about Shizuo, his reaction to this thing? I mean, for me that action was kinda like a key scene(?). Or did I missjudge it?

Anyway, great story!
inlovewithshizaya chapter 33 . 6/15/2016
Kyah! About time
I can't wait for the next chapter.
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