Reviews for Neighbors
DianasLilleMus chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Nice story.
daydreamfox chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
Is this the lawlu fic you where you asked for a dog breed!? This seems like it's going to be a very interesting story. Love the setting and interaction between Law and Luffy. Some confusion between luffy being female or male, but I'm thinking those are just small typos. Very good work! I look forward to reading more!
mysteryreader6626 chapter 1 . 11/13/2015
Yay! I am happy you changed this to a LawLu story, but I feel the since you changed it from an OC story that the beginning feels..not much like Luffy. I dunno. Maybe it is their first interactions or the fact that you called Luffy a she. :/
Guest chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
Cute story so far. The only problem that is bugging me at the moment is that you seem to be switching the pronouns he/she when addressing Luffy. Is this a Fem!Luffy story or not? Please try to carefully pay attention to that otherwise things get really confusing.