Reviews for The Engagement
marcelammota chapter 4 . 5/17/2018
Wow! This is truly amazing. You managed to capture their spirits and dialogue like I’ve never seen in any other fanfic. It felt like I was reading straight from the book. Great job, beautifully done!
debpreato chapter 4 . 3/14/2017
Poor Dimitri. .always a trial of tribulations to love Rose. Thats thr sacrafice for the air that you breathe. Excellent story. .thank you
Guest chapter 4 . 4/25/2016
Hey Just curious. Are you ever going to give us a wedding one-shot?
VampGirl555 chapter 1 . 4/8/2016
You are an amazing writer and I hope to one day write like you. So keep writing.
Briana chapter 4 . 1/19/2016
I absolutely love your stories! I become so excited when i see you've updated! They way you write and provide us with long chapters containing their thoughts is great. Please pleas keep all this going, continue writing and I'll keep reading xx
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17/2016
I didn't finish my last review but I was going to add I hope you write lot more and thanks for complying to our requests and updating today!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17/2016
Great job. I was so happy to see your update! I am so glad you took my suggestion and wrote this:) I kind of felt like this chapter started out intensely but didn't deliver that way at the end. Regardless it was very good and you know I love your writing. I was wondering about By the Baring of my Soul and good thing you have everything sorted out. I can't wait to read it! I still hope you write one-shots and something I would really like to see is a scene with them two and her parents. It's just that I feel you portray the characters so well that I can't help wanting more. Especially since I have been wondering about how their relationship has progressed after the series among other things. Thank you for writing these. I imagine it takes a lot of time and work but you're doing so well and I hope you write more
Twilighternproud chapter 4 . 1/17/2016
Loveee it
Sooo cuteee
objectiveheartmuscle chapter 4 . 1/17/2016
This was gorgeous! I loved it a lot. A few moments that seemed to stretch it on the characterization imo, but overall it could've been canon. New headcanon that Janine rejected Abe's proposal. It fits with their book relationship a lot.
luciinwaters chapter 4 . 1/17/2016
Nawww so cute :3
Love it!
stardreamer2608 chapter 4 . 1/17/2016
Loved the chapter please continue to update
hiseask17 chapter 4 . 1/17/2016
I knew there was going to be a happy ending :3 This was truly an amazing story :)
Guest chapter 3 . 1/10/2016
Why? why? why?... I'm really curious as to why she said that and I really want you to continue. Please update soon. Not like in a month but soon. Pretty please?
Guest chapter 3 . 1/10/2016
Good chapter. Thanks for writing. I feel like you owe us two chapters for being gone so long. Please update soon! Don't leave us hanging for so long.
Passainte chapter 3 . 1/10/2016
WHAT?! Just... Jshwgfifndijrhfjd
I hdgsjsgsjshs
YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT! !Update soon please!
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