Reviews for The Little Things
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
Always can use some CaReese. Thnx.
odalys-ortiz chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
Aww, this was so sweet. I love how I can imagine them doing these types of things and how the other would act because really, John and Joss see each other's as equals. I'm sorry but that cowlick one though just had me cracking up because of how many people make fun. It's so meanXD
PiscesChikk chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
This was lovely to read again. Glad you posted. Still in love with these two over two years later.
J2CaReese chapter 1 . 11/18/2015
Very cute drabbles. I like these simple moments of John and Joss's life. My favorite: reading in bed because I really like the idea that John is perfectly happy in his normal life with Joss; The second is cooking because the passion that they have for one another is the culmination of extraordinary Chemestry between John and Joss.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
To cute. More, more, more!
ReadtoRelax chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
Nice job ladies. It is the little things in life that make you Falkland stay in love with someone.
Jhill88 chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
I love these little cute CaReese moments. These little moments are awesome.
Devereauxpoi chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
I loved all of these. They were beautiful little glimpses into their life together. I will admit though that my favorite was definitely the one with John reading in bed snuggled next to Joss. They both seemed so relaxed and at peace. Thank you for posting! I miss them so much.
literaturechick chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
These are all so beautiful and special, and adorable, and lovely.
Thank you.
MissM chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
Adorable and sexy at the same time. My favorite was the amount of time John spent in front of the mirror. I love small things like that, I can picture them really doing this stuff you've written.
Wanda chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
Love all of them.
wolfmusic218 chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
Absolutely loved all of these (and can't wait for some more!), but I think I'm going to go with the crowd here and say the "Reese reading in bed" is my favorite. It's so sweet in its simplicity, but it's also something we don't expect of him. I've never pictures Reese as a big reader. I love that Joss doesn't make fun, but encourages him with her questions.

That being said, I think I'm really good at singing...well...anything. I need to borrow Reese's prop, please.

Reese and his cowlick. I'm sure Joss, with her many hairstyles, could figure out a way to help him with that. LOL

A man that cooks? Yeaaaaaaah. That will definitely put some grease in your griddle. Yum.
blacktop chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
I love all these domestic vignettes, but I think the image of Reese reading in bed is my favorite! Well done!
SWWoman chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
I love these! My favorite is John reading in bed while Joss asks him questions. I can see him treasuring his little routine.

And men who cook are the best! As I type this Mr SW is cooking dinner in the kitchen.
Treehouse31 chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
Each and every one of these 'drabblettes' is worth a longer story, so I hope that you become inspired to draw them out!
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