Reviews for The Kiss of Death
LadyHogwarts2408 chapter 41 . 5/9
Hi Deathly-Cool, I hope you're well.
I've just finished reading Dark Times, and before that I'd read The Kiss of Death. They're truly wonderful stories and I commend you for your imagination.
However, I just wanted to write you a quick note, that I hope will be purely viewed as constructive criticism which is why I've posted it here, as it seems to be one your most recently updated stories.
In your profile you mention an issue with your grammar and spelling, and unfortunately it is apparent in your stories. It almost seems like you spell phonetically; there were lots of examples but one that stuck with me was 'bellow' when I think you meant 'below'. To 'bellow' is to shout, you're bellowing at the top of your lungs. 'Below' is the level below us, the library is below.
I think something that might help you is to use the spell/grammar check in whatever program you use. I know it's difficult when you're writing stories that include words that are not part of the recognised English language because they keep coming up as wrong; but when I was writing my own story I'd add those words, like Gringotts, Hogwarts etc, to my dictionary so then they wouldn't read as spelling errors. Anyway, I just wanted to drop this suggestion in, and I hope it's helpful :)
Otherwise, fantastic premises in your stories. They are very original and thought out well. They could just be slightly refined in the spelling and grammar. And if the spell/grammar check in whatever processor you use fails to work for you, then I'm sure there are other programs on the internet that you could utilise to improve. Not only will you see rewards in your writing, but also your day to day life.
Anyway, I hope that's actually been as helpful as it was intended to be, keep writing!
griezz chapter 10 . 5/7
First of all, as I write this, I'm still quite early in the story; for all I know, you may have already addressed this point either in this book or its sequel. However, I still wish to offer an observation based solely on my knowledge of Potter lore.

Observation: Dementors "kiss" by basically sucking the soul out of a person.

Observation: Voldemort survived due to a sliver of his soul being caught in Potter's forehead scar.

Theory: When Potter was "kissed", I can see no reason why Voldemort's soul fragment would not have been absorbed as well. As such, when Potter recovers, she would likely not be a horcrux any more.

Other theory: Attor, the small snake companion in Potter's trials, could be that soul fragment of Voldemort. Seems more likely than a snake companion would be waiting in the soul maze.
tag0 chapter 41 . 4/4
A very interesting and enjoyable story.

Only real issue I've noticed is that in a *lot* of places you have words that don't belong (like "bone" instead of "bun", "thought" instead of "sought", to name two in the more recent chapters), and it can be annoying to have to figure out what is really meant there. Especially when it's not as obvious as in the two examples mentioned. You might want to get a beta to go over your work rather than (or after) a spellchecker, given that the substituted words are usually spelled correctly, they're just the wrong words.

But again, a very interesting story that I enjoyed reading. Off to check out the sequel now!
IWantABetterWebsite chapter 41 . 3/31
Well, that was boring. The premise was interesting enough for me to take a look, but it never went anywhere. Téa getting kissed never actually mattered. She could have just been off training anywhere and it wouldn't have made any difference, except everyone else might have been less angsty. I was expecting her friends to think she was dead, or for Umbridge to reveal to everyone that she had been kissed, or anything like that. But no, the kiss was just an excuse to let her be trained by dead people.
Rairi Valelira chapter 18 . 2/1
What would be a nice place to visit in canada?
bkerrmom1 chapter 37 . 1/20
Brilliant chapter ! Oooh the feels ! I am looking forward to seeing what comes next !
crimson hearts chapter 40 . 1/11
this shows 41 chapters but I only see 40?
Bad Wolf chapter 25 . 1/10
This is the first story of yours that I have found, so I don't know what else you write yet. I thought I might pass this on though. Calling it the "soul dimension" could make it a perfect tie in to continue this story as an Avenger's crossover if you're into that sort of thing. the "soul dimension" could exist inside the Soul Stone. Just an idea. Feel free to run with it or discard it if you wish.
Bad Wolf chapter 7 . 1/10
This story has been super interesting so far. The only thing I can vaguely complain about is that you need to proofread a bit more. There sometimes missing words or incorrect words (such as "biased" where it should have been "business" etc.) That minor issue aside, very well done so far.
dontwakedrake chapter 40 . 1/2
While there are some grammatical errors in this story its not so much as to distract. The ony thing I find myself questioning is the choice to make Harry a girl. It has zero impact on the story told.

Anyway, the idea is a very good and original one and I greatly enjoyed the plot. I am looking forward to seeing what part two has in store.
weirdhead chapter 11 . 1/2
Where is our favourite dungeon bat?
HopefulHelpful chapter 25 . 12/29/2019
Téa should say "Well, yes, it's not like I'd see anyone living there." in response to Sirius lol
Shetan20 chapter 36 . 12/27/2019
Thank you for a very enjoyable chapter
Jostanos chapter 40 . 12/27/2019
DC, I apologize for taking so long to review this story.
*rubs the back of his head sheepishly* The fact is that I had every intent to read Chapter thirty-nine to here _BEFORE_ "Cat in the Hat" was posted, but, after I read and reviewed it, I was reminded of the bookmarked chapter (Ch. 39) in my backlog of stories to read..

*ahem* Here we are..

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Thank you for posting wonderful stories!
TheTerrmites chapter 39 . 12/24/2019
I noticed a kinda bad typo in chapter 39. Where you meant to write sweet shop you wrote sweatshop as in a store with low wages that's cruel to their employees. Figured you'd want to know given the unfortunate implications.
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