Reviews for The Blood Hound
Kaiimei chapter 4 . 7/15
"Only five kids in the class managed to make it perfectly. Granger, Zabini, Greengrass, and herself made it perfectly." I think that might be four.

Also, I think I'll be dropping this story here. It was alright, but all the weird and unnecessary changes to canon, as well as the specificity for the schedule just isn't at all needed, especially as it nearly confused me thinking you'd entirely forgotten that a lot of the curriculum exists, like Flying Practice, Herbology etc.

I think that abandoned sibling is a fun story idea, and a ghoulified one also pretty good, but the story just doesn't really catch my interest now, it lost it unfortunately.

Take care boo.
notvisiulebliss chapter 21 . 7/7
So lilith can't do anything by herself when it matters most? A little disappointing really... Progression is good and all but idk I guess I'm looking for a strong mc that isn't a cliche sack of angst that will be helped continuously by others
notvisiulebliss chapter 18 . 7/7
Seems like the boggart scene is irresistible to authors on this site always ends somewhat the same for every abandoned harry potter fanfic story... honestly I'm just expecting it at this point
notvisiulebliss chapter 3 . 7/6
Can she get anymore cliche? I mean why involve herself? she can literally live her life the way she wants ...or is this done out of convenience?
Kyrii chapter 24 . 6/9
Oh a fight This is interesting. Alice will win. Please update soon when you can this is so good and incredibly awesome story.
AnC1999 chapter 24 . 6/2
bird-is-the-word59 chapter 24 . 5/23
I wished there was more of this can't wait to see if it returns
Nighthallow009 chapter 24 . 5/20
Lilith x Daphne for the victory!
Unbenannt chapter 24 . 5/3
Abandoned harry? More like abandoned fic amirite!lol XDXDXD
Rhyn3 chapter 24 . 4/27
Tony McNucklz chapter 23 . 2/16
the tournament set up is promising. I'm looking forward to seeing it unfold.
Tony McNucklz chapter 21 . 2/16
this is another example of alice being a gigantic mind fuck of deus ex offencery. the character just doesn't make sense, therefore her actions and effect on the plot are flawed and imbalanced. they don't compute.
Tony McNucklz chapter 15 . 2/16
Alice feels forced. it got dropped to fast, you way the fuck overpowered her. i don't think you understand how different a child's mind is. Alice being on the path to becoming that powerful would make sense. easily explainable. but having essentially finished a complete education in necromancy, philosophy, military tactics and other lifelong pursuits before setting foot in hogwarts. even being able to bend the entire wizangamot to her will like she owns the whole country already. it's just so over the top that it fails to suspend my disbelief and enjoy it. this is something that could have been built in the background, step by step for a couple more years, then you present a character this finished. not this early. lilith was strong going into Hogwarts, but she wasn't a Master of breaking the barrier of death like a freaking god. she started strong, and was forced by self drive and necessity to surpass her limits. your alice just mystically decided to become a necromancer and became a master of it before puberty started.
Tony McNucklz chapter 12 . 2/16
lilith breaking was bullshit. after all this time, all the hard decisions, the terrible acts... and she just shatters because Dumbledore confronts her with her existence? it was forced. badly timed. it wasn't true to the character. the conversation happening is defendable, her breaking like a crackhead threatened with withdrawal was nonsensical. it should have been her on edge the whole time, after all you deliberately and explicitly established her utter lack of trust. she should have frozen, eyes locked on the clear and present threat to her existence. minimal answers and a stone face. and when she left, confusion. introspection as to why she left alive and still free. perhaps wondering why Dumbledore placed such trust in her. if she ever opened up, it would have made more sense if you took the time to establish someone in her life as becoming reliable. then friends, trusted friends. the sort of long term building that takes a year or more. then eventually that person proves themselves, and then lilith perhaps comes clean. needing that special person to know. but after this chapter you've blown that potential catharsis out of the water by wasting it on sniveling in front of Dumbledore. dagumit.
ChildofDragons chapter 6 . 2/8
"When is the perfect time to go after the stone... I KNOW! We'll wait until the same moment in canon so that the twin is there with Quirrel because why change the main points?!"
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