Reviews for Fly High
Dani3434 chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
brookeyy14 chapter 1 . 1/17/2019
love this story please continue!
acetwolf94 chapter 7 . 10/31/2017
CatonissANDKarvel4Life chapter 7 . 5/6/2017
Why did you stop writing you need to write more I loved the story. Okay, and when you write the next chapter have it end the games. Gale fights Thresh and they both die of fatal injuries. Rue dies at the hands of Marvel still. Then Katniss goes home. Her and Finnick become closer. Then Cut to a few years later Katniss is 14 Finnick turns 16, Finnick POV Snow comes in and tells Finnick about his "Clients". Finnick asks Haymitch and Katniss if Katniss will take Finnick's Virginity and then do the seen. Cut to two years later Katniss is 16, Finnick is 18. Katniss POV Snow comes in and tells Katniss about her "clients" then starts making Katniss dress Slutty.
1FANGIRLHG chapter 7 . 5/6/2017
Why did you stop writing you must continue.
Crimson Sanguine chapter 7 . 1/13/2017
please keep going
Al-i-Cyone chapter 7 . 10/28/2016
I LOVE this story. Please update soon. The writing is really good quality and you need to continue writing!
Lily chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
This is a great story! PLEASE keep writing!
I love how nice Clove is being!
I love Katniss and Haymitch bond!
I love Gale! Just please don't let him die!
And of course I love Katniss!
And Yes, Finnick is the best! Is Finnick like 23-24?
katraj0908 chapter 6 . 4/13/2016
I kinda hate how many allies she has or like how many she cares about now. Like there are 12 left and 5 are with her...
aishiteru naru chapter 6 . 3/19/2016
Grace chapter 6 . 3/19/2016
Elina seems shady, I'm not sure if I like her. Good chapter though!
Annie chapter 6 . 3/19/2016
This was amazing! You're really talented. I wish I could write like you xox
Savanna chapter 6 . 3/18/2016
Eeeek! I love this story unreal amounts! I'm not sure i like Elina...
Liz chapter 5 . 2/3/2016
Nice. Love it please update
Guest chapter 5 . 2/3/2016
Well done with this. It's almost as good as your username.
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