Reviews for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Episode I - Fringes of the War
kosiah chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
glad you're going to revisit this. I will reread it, as I remember it being really well done. rereading and re-editing can be pretty rewarding in and of itself! looking forward to updates!
ColigulaCaesar chapter 24 . 9/9/2019
So, when I started this fic almost 4 years ago, I had no idea it would slowly morph into a monstrous project that's currently longer than the first Harry Potter book and is maybe about 1/6 complete. I was in law school and used writing this as a way to wind down. I went through some major life changes around graduation and my life settled into a pretty nice routine, so I let this fall to the wayside as more important projects took its place.

After a new series of major life changes - all at once, it seems - I think I need that element of escapism back in my life, so I'm planning on picking this back up. But I want to do it right. Before I get back to writing, I want to give both games another playthrough and reread everything I've already written to make sure plot points & characters stay consistent. I don't plan on any major rewrites or updates on what's already here (like I've done in the past), and I'll probably be deleting the various author's notes sprinkled throughout.

Hopefully this all wont take too long - but, again, longer than The Sorcerer's Stone - and I'll have a new chapter up sometime in mid- or late- October. See you all, soon. May the Force be with you.
Guest chapter 24 . 7/2/2019
A shame this seems to have stalled out. I quit enjoyed this interpretation of the KOTOR characters. (Especially Carth being captain, it just feels right!)
Belice chapter 24 . 5/5/2019
great story, hope you continue with it!
kylemajer chapter 16 . 3/26/2019
I mean, no, he’s not, that would be Lord Malak.
It’s interesting to see Sarna survive this long, I’m curious to see what happens next :)
Le Faucon Bleu chapter 24 . 11/29/2018
Very cool journey through the cave. I also liked the Kreia cameo and the innovative way you introduced that vision of Revan and Malak. Thanks for writing.
kosiah chapter 24 . 11/29/2018
I liked all of this a lot: great segue from the real to a Force vision, and the idea of Zhar and Quatra out with their padawans is also really cool and original.
JustMonikammmmmmmmmm chapter 24 . 11/25/2018
Kreia? Is that you? By the Force...
lionkingfactsguy3 chapter 24 . 11/25/2018
kosiah chapter 23 . 6/9/2018
I like the change. It is a very Revan choice now. Also really love this chapter. Canderous and Carth are great together. Hope this means more frequent updates? Really enjoying your fict
Le Faucon Bleu chapter 23 . 6/6/2018
I love how you've written Carth and Canderous together. It's so interesting to put them in situations where they have to cooperate. Also, the twist on chapter 1 is dark, but I like it. It reinforces Gaius as a person equipped for the kind of decision making that could win a hopeless war, and maybe cost your soul at the same time.
Thanks for writing.
ether-fanfic chapter 23 . 6/4/2018
Great chapter. You've got Canderous spot on.
Interesting detail, making cortosis weave rare - I like that. And Sasha makes an appearance... I wonder if she will still stowaway. I really enjoy your deviations as they seem to either enrich the storyline or explain it further.
Was good to see both Carth and Canderous in action, and as competent as they should be. Although maybe in future Carth will be quicker to listen to Canderous. Here's hoping he finds a way out of that mess quick!
Da-Awesom-One chapter 22 . 5/5/2018
So, I'm really loving the characterization going on here. Your writing, whilst a few errors, is on point, and captures the character's reactions and attiyudes when faced with the situations they're faced with.

I like your portrayal of Gaius, and only hope to see him grow more to the leader role as time passes on.

I hope tou update soon, and can't wait to read more.
Le Faucon Bleu chapter 22 . 1/16/2018
I've never read a take on what Mission and Zaalbarr get up to while on Dantooine. I appreciate the realism of having them re-homed by the Order, as one would expect from any "governmental" organization dealing with refugee minors. Very creative plotline with Elise, Matale and the droid.
Thanks for writing.
ether-fanfic chapter 22 . 1/16/2018
I love the way you modify the subplots in your story, e.g. having Matale try to woo Elise, having Mission and Zaalbar fostered with Elise. Mission's frustration is real and understandable, heh. I look forward to seeing how the droid subplot and the Matale one further develops- and how Mission and Zaalbar get back with the crew.
A couple of typos for you:
You have 'beisde' in a spot where you want 'beside'
You have 'btis' where you want 'bits'
You have misspelled Wookiee as Wookie in a few places.
'...sure their was a joke...' - should be 'there'
'Nar Shadaa' should be 'Nar Shaddaa'
'Mission waived the Rodian off...' - should be 'waved'
Personal opinion- I would capitalize 'Teethree' as it's a designated nickname.

Great to see you writing again! I look forward to seeing how Dantooine develops :-)
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