Reviews for and love's the burning boy
readerNOTwriter chapter 6 . 12/24/2010
. I don't normally like angst but this leaves me in awe.
Cara4Ever chapter 6 . 11/10/2009
AH! It was just getting good! I'm guessing that's the end of it since its been... what... 6 years since the last update?

What the hell. It was a good read, alot of thoughts and emotions and actions all run together, but palatable in a dark way.
Natsu1 chapter 6 . 4/20/2006
What hurts the most is knowing that this wont be finished. Its last update was three years ago... But wow. After all this time its still one of my favorite pieces of writing, from this book or from any other. Reading it is like watching a storm, like that one second where you're watching lighting streak across the sky. Every line is memorable. One that stood out to me was "It's raining outside, sheeting down like the world's been flipped over and the ocean is crashing down over the city from the sky,". How incredible is that? I regret that I couldn't see the end of this incredible, inspiring work. Even the description of the war, the outcome, is in itself epic and fantastic. So many things here, like the colors, inspire the characters into life. Thank you for writing it.
Lli chapter 6 . 3/22/2004
Woah. You have the scariest silky-smooth way with words. I don't usually pay much attention to this fandom, but this is bleeding brilliant.
Pippin Third chapter 6 . 1/1/2004
I'm really bad at reviews. Just so you know, I adore the way you use words to tell a story. I'll be waiting for your next chapter. Impatiently.
Flamegrrl chapter 6 . 12/8/2003
Good lord woman! Honestly the way you do this makes life worth living. The bit where Harry punches Draco sent chills all through me. You're an addiction and too good for words, and I'm frustrated that I will never be capable of leaving you a review that does you justice.
"Those avadakedavra silver eyes..."
Whoa mate. I wait patiently and hopefully for what's to come.
Thank you for the good stuff.
Jezebel Malice chapter 4 . 11/9/2003
*Gawks at the beauty*
Jezebel Malice chapter 6 . 11/9/2003
hm...i wish i was deep enough to write something this beautiful.

i write twisted-piece-of nasty-hatefilled-fluff.

things i wish i could express always come out wrong and twisted like that.

this...your story...expresses so much.

i can feel every emotion and i wish i knew how to do that.

unfortunatly i have too much of a filter between my heart and my head.

you amaze me.

keep this going.

~jessi rose~
funnybunny2 chapter 6 . 11/8/2003
god that was brilliant!

I really cant wait for your next update!
funnybunny2 chapter 5 . 11/6/2003
your whole story weas brilliant , well done , i hope to read more soon.

your one of my fav's!
flamegrrl chapter 4 . 9/7/2003
Ok, yeah, it's me. Just trying to get around the whole 'you can't review twice' stupid rule. anyway... I was checking to see if there was a new chap and i noticed that laura had pointed out a line that I'd read, but not paid attention to before. (for which i should be dragged out and shot, but...)

And now that i do, I would really just like to say...

(Gonna sound silly)(you were warned)

I could understand and feel that line in a way i will probably never be able to describe, it's... ah hell where do you start? What a line, i felt it, i've been it, and i agree wholeheartedly. Which probably doesn't begin to describe how i felt when i re-read, but hey mate. I tried.

(I could go into many weird Australian colloquialisms on how much I anticpate the next chap, but you know what? I won't. Thank me later.)

Love Your work mate.

laura chapter 5 . 6/30/2003
That...was amazing.. I didn't know someone saw the world in colors like I do.. It really helped to relate to the story, which was beautiful. The figurative language was at a much higher level than what I normally see around here. Thanks for a very engaging experience. I wish I were better at using words, but I can't really describe what I felt reading that.. It was like someone opened me up and swished around. One of the most poignant lines (in my opinion) was

' love will make you understand that given a choice between a dark world lit by a sudden shining of blue and gold, and a world of light without those colours, you would choose the darkness every time. '

I can't wait to see how this unfolds..
Justice Rain chapter 1 . 6/16/2003
Gah! You have to update again soon! I love your characters, they have such texture. Please don't leave me hanging too long!
Becca Asry chapter 5 . 6/15/2003
I'm glad ginny broke it off with Draco, but the reason seems unclear. Is draco with harry at this point, or not?
Person chapter 5 . 6/15/2003
Very good, very good. Write more soon!
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