Reviews for A Prince and The Goblin King
gayloverforboys17 chapter 2 . 4/25/2018
I like this story can you continue it please? I want to know what happened and is there gonna be a mpreg version in here to.
The Crimson Killer chapter 2 . 3/11/2018
Minna cross chapter 2 . 4/2/2017
This is pretty interesting you should continue with it.
Andy Maxx chapter 2 . 1/23/2017
Please write more! I am really enjoying this story! Keep it up! :)
Cindel Mortem chapter 2 . 11/28/2016
What happens next?! I need to know please post soon!
trickster32 chapter 2 . 10/30/2016
I like it, and now Jareth is hunting is nameless faemate (2 chapters and he doesn't gotten his name yet) to Hogwarts.
Let the hunt begin. Hm, what would happen, if the Marauders harrassed Sev again and Jareth sees it? Angry Fae with the Power of Gringotts behind him. Hogwarts is in for a huge surprise and Severus will fight tooth and nail against it, when Jareth starts his pursuing.
And how will Sevs Slytherins' friends react (Narcissa, Lucius, Regulus...)

Jareth could be a Seelie or an Useelie, in his characters are traits of both, but he can be rather dark, if somebody crosses him. But this could be a way, that the Princes would acknowledge Sev as heir, and Dumbledore will not like it at all, but can do nothing to stop it. ;-)
Elysia21Nik chapter 2 . 10/16/2016
Please update soon and I begging you. I really REALLY LOVE your story.
Im dead inside chapter 2 . 9/26/2016
I must say this story is interesting. I can't wait for Sev to find out that his Jareth is the Goblin King/Erlking.

I would also think Jareth is more Unseelie. He can be quite nasty and I always got the impression he was holding back with Sara because she amused him and he found her interesting. I got that feeling, because of just how scared the goblins were of him and how mercurial his moods are.
Does that help?

Looking forward to the next chapter!

I'm dead inside
PurpleCosmos chapter 2 . 8/10/2016
I think this will be a great pairing. Jareth would have to be Unseelie, he's a bit too dark to be Seelie.
SB chapter 2 . 8/2/2016
Great chapter! Severus is so sweet in this. I hope Jareth can save him from the mean Mauraders and Albus and his father... Thanks for explaining about why the goblin tellers can't help Jareth. That makes sense. I think Jareth is Seelie? I think of the goblins as having a rather strict moral code.
mattdombast chapter 2 . 8/2/2016
Either one is light court other dark but both just as bad I say seelie and I hope that severus get everything he deserves
mattdombast chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
Nice severus can have a love hate bullys even if it's Harry's father
FireSenshi2 chapter 2 . 7/29/2016
I always tend to picture Jareth as unseelie but go with whichever works better for your plans! :)
PiffyEQ chapter 2 . 7/29/2016
If his parents are King Oberon and Queen Titiana, who are rulers of the Seelie court, that would make Jareth a Seelie.

I am looking forward to reading more and watching Jareth court Sev. Are you by chance going to make this mrpeg? I really hope so! I have an obsession with pregnant Sev. lol
PiffyEQ chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
I have to say that I like this updated version so much more!
I had to laugh at the owl's first impression of Sev's appearance LOL. I loved how Sev was oddly sweet and came across as innocent.

I can't wait for the next update! Keep up the great job.
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