Reviews for The Travels of the Master of Death - The Prince that was Promised
Mohammad 'the truth' S chapter 15 . 7/15
I was all for it untill the balrog like abomination... If you wanted to do that, then you should've made Starks kings of winter, who were gifted the Other's cryomantic powers by the old gods
agentplanty1 chapter 15 . 7/6
This may have been stupidity cringy, but I loved it. #guiltyPleasure
Nafnlaus Gu chapter 15 . 6/30
While I must admit I dislike the fact you put a early end to this tale I can respect your desision. It is, after all, in the end your tale to weave. I also know that you ended this years ago and although I am personally of the mind that had you stated that the blood of the wolves staved of the dragon's madness and continued the tale of prince Haraldr this tale would have been wonderfull. Better than it is even now, unfinished as it is.
I wish you luck on your future endeavours Saga Vefari YDdraigGoch94.
-Nafnlaus GuĂ°
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 3 . 6/3
g o oo o d
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 2 . 6/3
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 1 . 6/3
go ooo oo o o od
BaddieDZ2 chapter 13 . 5/2
Go fuck yourself.
m-f42 chapter 8 . 4/23
This is a poor amalgam of the best HP/ASOIF crossovers. Your main character learns something in one chapter only to be surprised about it in the next? Boo. Boo, on you.
BaddieDZ2 chapter 11 . 4/22
Sorry, but people too stupid to finish any of their already started work won't be making a career out of any content creation. You're going to fail like the stupid bitch you are, and I can't wait to laugh.
LoganLiet chapter 15 . 4/6
shit im sobbing rn:((((((
LoganLiet chapter 8 . 4/6
its soooooooo perfect! im so lucky to find this story:'))))))
Bronze chapter 1 . 4/5
I started to read this on space battles but when I got to the part where Harry reincarnates in the world of the Song of Fire and Ice I stopped as I don't enjoy those stories or know much about the world. If it were some other I might continue as long as there's no slash in it that is. I just can't read those types of stories. Nor do I flame ANY author who writes it! Somebody out there MUST be reading it or it'd totally disappear from the site.
Noctus Of The Thousand Blades chapter 15 . 3/29
while yes there are some very cringy elements here, there is also some solid content. so what i reccomend? complete rewrite. salvage what you can of the good stuff, but take everything else back to the drawing board.

try and lay out a general plotline, nothing detailed or exact, but one that has a beginning and an end. this is a guideline, it gives you a purpose and a direction to follow. you are not planning anything in detail because you want to allow the story room to grow and evolve, as it will. the guideline will help you stay on track though. it gives you a direction to focus in. so long as you always return to the guideline? you should be good.

having a plan and a loose plot and chain of events are powerful tools when writing. they tend to help when you get bogged down in the minutiae of the story.

once you have that established? you simply write what comes to you, keeping the established guideline in the back of your mind to help guide you.

now i say this, but no plan ever survives contact with life. so be prepared to tweak the guideline as the story unfolds. its why i said to make it a a general guideline and not to go too in detail about things. that way when you need to adjust things to make them fit? they won't overwhelm you.

personally i think this fic, with a lot of work, could rise from the ashes and be a solid story. as a first attempt? not too bad. just try to avoid tropes and the rule of cool. also, let "He-who-shall-remain-noseless" stay dead. tom is dead, keep him that way.

drop the dual wielding. yes give him a Valyrian steel sword. ONE, you can stick with blackfyre or Dark Sister, or even give him an unnamed blade so Harry can build its own legend with it.

personally i like the Dire-wolf and dragon aspect, so i would keep that as well. it does help to establish his status as both a Steak and a Targaryen.

try to stick with just Harry potter and Game of Thrones elements, drop the time travel, the madness, the mental battle and the falls of truth. the fic had a solid start. but the later chapters were really where things dove head first into cringey cliche territory.

so yes, overhaul this fic, but don't abandon it entirely. just try again. keep the good stuff, and ditch the rest.
loki98065 chapter 15 . 3/21
shame I know u stopped this years ago, but enjoyed reading it. thanks for the good read.
Lordlexx chapter 15 . 3/16
I have to say, this was good up until your last chapter to be honest. The rest of your ideas were pretty good too other than the Madness bit. Harry's coin could have just landed on the sane side because his dragon blood was tempered by the ice of the wolfs blood. Aside from that, he seems pretty disconnected from his past life so having Voldie show up is pretty out there.
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