Reviews for Everything I own
CanITellUSmThin chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
Lmao. I can’t believe she just left her car there.

Hm. This one is difficult. On one hand, I can understand why Anna is upset about Elsa not being with her more, but cheating? Really? Like talk it over or break up with her if you’re unhappy with how things are going. Cheating is so low, Anna...

Things are different now so maybe they can start over. Taking things slow is a good idea. Start as friends first, and if it develops into something more? All the better! Just don’t fudge it up again, you two!
CinderBurn chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
I liked the story, but it just urks me how Elsa was so forgiving over Anna cheating. I felt like it should've been Anna begging to get back into the relationship, and then Elsa would have to think about it. Anyways that's just my thoughts :) everything else was good.
Rey chapter 1 . 12/14/2015
I know you wanted to keep this a one shot, but the quality greatly suffered from it. It was rushed and felt forced.

Also, I'm honestly curious, HAVE you ever been cheated on by someone you truly loved? Because I have, by my exfiance. It was actually rather similar to this story, in that I was working overtime to provide for us, she felt neglected and found comfort in someone else. It DESTROYED me. And for Anna to do that to Elsa, and yet Elsa still blamed herself and still loved Anna is very unrealistic. When someone cheats on you, you lose all trust in them. So for Elsa to forgive Anna like that is ridiculous. Plus Anna up and leaves, stays with her bf for six years, and then still loves Elsa?

I'm aware asking for realism from a fanfic based on fictional characters that are related is a ridiculous request, but I still do it. For this plot to have any semblance of balance, it needs to be drawn out and the characters motives seriously reevaluated.

Sentence structure is fair, grammar is fair. Keep practicing. 5.5/10
wendyisanasshole chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
That was beautiful!
Revengest chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
Great story!
sedryn chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
Come on... please add a bit more, to make the ending less ambiguous :D Of course, for the first option _
Ludlovescake chapter 1 . 12/11/2015
Cool story xD I also like to imagen that they get back together! No sad stuff, just fluffy love! xD