Reviews for It's Disgusting
Otaku-neesan chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
XD That was amazing, especially the part where Draco at the end is a complete ASS and rubs it in Ron's face. Never liked Ron much in the first place... XD But seriously, that was perfection.
Mr.Potter- The Stag chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
Oh my god!

I can't believe this! This. IS. AMAZING!

Lots of UST.


Setkia! Can I hug you? (sniffing.) **oh no, you are soooo not going to cry**

I really don't know what to say so that you can believe me for real that I am clearly in love with this and I am going to add this in my Community without rambling like an idiot. Not to mention it's my favorite. But now if your reading this than you should - would- and could - know that I AM BLOWN OUT OF MY MIND!

I really don't care if this One shot is early than 2 weeks or whatever shot of time period you were aiming at - because this is AM-A-ZING! Amazing, I tell you.


Ok! Enough of stupid ramble because I am currently having hard time seeing through past my watery eyes. . OMGGGG.


Oh my god! I just did NOT wrote that above what I think I already did.

Please excuse while I jump in a pool of cold water.

HaStA La vIsTa!

Love you, my dear lovely mind blowing awesome friend.

Your frenzied friend, who is still going to re-read this again,
S.P. Tripathi

P.s; Merry Christmas and A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 IN ADVANCE!

Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
Haha! This is good! The situation itself was just too perfect.
Eevah chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
Interesting! As the first drank one fanfiction I ever read, this is quite well-written!...though my loyalties still remain with Drarry XD
chemicalflashes chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
Loved it! The flow was awesome.