Reviews for Pretty When You Cry
DontSayno chapter 7 . 5/8
I'm reading and loving it! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
jerkchickenz chapter 7 . 4/21
Bonnie and Pogue are cute together. What’s going on with Damon and Sarah?
Smallpot8o chapter 7 . 3/10
OMG. It's been awhile since I've logged in and I'm happy this is the first one I read. Ooh. I'm curious about this Pogue/Bonnie. And still love that Damon is hung up on Bonnie.
freckled98 chapter 7 . 2/24
Bonnie getting it in.
bsgfanatic chapter 7 . 2/21
Eee! My feet are doing the happy dance right now! My eyes did a double take when I saw you updated. Caleb and Lana so sweet. Lafayette and Stefan spooning! Bonnie and Pogue, curious how you'll write this. Bandmates with benefits or? Sarah, pfft! And Damon, not liking him very much right now. As an aside, I'm hoping Caroline shows up for Team Bonnie.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/20
I've just discovered this and read and enjoyed the whole fic so far. I love the characters you have created and the way you explore their different sexualities. The dialogue is sparkling. Sometimes I loose track of who is saying what, but that is minor.
Some things I am curious about:
I assume Bonnie lost her baby, although you don't actually mention this.
Did Bonnie and Stephan get to college?
What was the whole triangle thing between B, D and E?
Why did Lily feel that she had to commit suicide?
What happened to Giuseppe?
How and why did Damon destroy Bonnie's solo career?
Why do D and E still feel they have a right to trash Bonnie?
What is going to happen next?

See, you got me hooked! I understand that you are busy, but please don't leave it 18 months for the next update.
babekitt chapter 7 . 2/19
That was deliciously steamy. Bonnie and Pogue are hot. La and Caleb so sweet. I’m still here for this story. I love it so much.
thepictureof chapter 7 . 2/18
hello, i’m here! i’m reading! thank you for the update :’)) (and steamy steam!)
IntrovertedxxMusings chapter 7 . 2/18
Yay an update! I'm so proud of Caleb! Pogue and Bonnie fucking up furniture was everything lol. So
...they...are FWB? Cool Bonnie needs that. I'm not here for Damon's bullshit. He's SOL in the Bonnie department as far as I'm concerned. Oooh you make me wanna watch TruBlood for some La La. That's my baby!
xbmo chapter 7 . 2/17
Yay! I missed this story! Crazyyy hot sex. Like really hot. I can’t wait for more!
Fanficfantoo chapter 7 . 2/17
OMG, Hot, hot, hot! Thanks for coming back to this story!
Thrcnduils chapter 7 . 2/17
Bruh I just found this story and I’m fucking hooked. Just letting you know it could be a decade between each of your next uploads and I’ll be sitting on my ass waiting for that upload to hit.
ElevatedJewel chapter 7 . 2/17
I like this turn of events!
JustStockton chapter 7 . 2/17
Ok yeah, you already had me with LaLa x Stefan. But you totally won me over for Pogue x Bonnie. Like totally won me over. There chemistry was off the charts and it showed in their sex scene(s). Epic. This was a great chapter. And I love this fic so much. Thanks for the update. Can't wait to see where you take this next.
amberausten7 chapter 7 . 2/17
I’m still reading! So glad to see your name pop up in my email. I’ve missed you️
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