Reviews for Trifecta
Knight of Everwatch chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
"Just drive", huh? Why do I get the feeling I know who that cabbie is? (Was the other option "Away from here"?)

Also, Weiss cheating at pool is awesome. :D
ODST110 chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
I saw the much love part, looked over, saw my name, and was like 'Aw hell yeah!'

And you know, the germans, the french, the chinese, the dominicans. . . considering less than a dozen countries have the drinking at set as high as 21. most are at 18 or 19, but some are lower even. And time has passed right? Who knows, a birthday or two has passed as well?
AntonSlavik020 chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
This was really fun. The karaoke one was definitely my favorite. Weiss's and Pyrrha's scene absolutely stole the show. I almost teared up myself. Not big on action scenes in general so that scene wasn't really for me, though I did like how they used their team attacks in it. And those guys did deserve it. Ruby defending Blake was nice. I really do love all three relationships here. Nora is able to reassure Yang that Ruby and Blake aren't ready to have sex yet, and likely won't be for a while(which makes sense considering Ruby's age), and both Ruby and Blake and Weiss and Pyrrha are as adorable as ever. I'm honestly not sure which one is the cuter couple. Can't wait for another one of these.
THEDestendGem chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
Question: Is this the last in this series, or will there be more?
Commando2341 chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
Your fics are making me ship Pink Lemonade hard.
And I'd never, ever considered that before, since Renora is an OTP.
Hella good stuff,man.