Reviews for Moving Forward
QueenOfWS chapter 17 . 7/30
Oh my gosh please update soon im dying with how good this story is
Guest chapter 17 . 7/26
Ahh the slow burn, drama, drunken sex, anger, jealousy, love. Keep it up I enjoy the read and I dont like many Lexus/lucy fics
DarkRain4Eternity chapter 17 . 7/23
im really excited to see where this goes and im kinda hopeing lucys pregnant
LILOU20 chapter 17 . 7/21
oh mon dieu , je veux la suite. je l'attendrais avec une très grande impatience , en attendant je te souhaite une bonne continuation dans tes écris.
dogsrcool5 chapter 17 . 7/21
Please write more
graystripemkc chapter 17 . 7/17
Wow so much so brilliantly written. Like wow. Those sex scenes were so emotionally charging. I can only hope my writing brings these kind of emotions. This was so freaking good. I can't even. Can't wait for what's next
InquisitiveSnap chapter 17 . 7/17
Please tell me you're going to update this soon! You can't leave me like this!
Purplemara chapter 17 . 7/17
holy shit is all I can say
aliciacevbra chapter 17 . 7/17
Oh beloved suspense! What's going on! Lucy is pregnant? What is Laxus going to do? Oh God everything is so unknown, I need to know !
By the way, good to hear from you! Take care. I really like your story.
Tiernank chapter 17 . 7/16
Damn! You know what we want and how to keep us hanging on for more! Elated at this update! Missed your stories so freaking much! Xoxo
DuchessOfSpud chapter 17 . 7/16
DAMMIT! So close and yet so far! Why do you torture me like this?! Btw you don’t know how much brighter you update made my day! It may take you a while to update but damn is it worth it!
SimplisticKat chapter 17 . 7/16
I absolutely love this story! Thank you for updating!
Perfect Memories chapter 17 . 7/16
and the ball drops.


what a chapter. thanks for the updateI enjoyed reading this chapter.
santamariamariana77 chapter 17 . 7/16
hello when you update Just When You Have It All Figured Out
MiddNightt chapter 17 . 7/16
Yay! Finally some more sparks between them:)) ... im so excited to see what jude has to say
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