Reviews for Reluctance
Guest chapter 1 . 3/16
Great read, I personally liked this read. My main grind to this one was the “they can’t breed” thing. They SHOULD be able to, just with a high miss rate and a high Death and deformity rate of the young, seeing as the Octolings have tried using Inklings for... tests, apparently (this is not confirmed, but it seems that Inklings and Octolings are somewhat genetically related (being mollusks) and that’s Octarians are literally just tentacle snippets(given the Sunken Scroll about the bosses). Other than that and a few errors that really can’t be avoided in the end, you did great with these two-
Jeez, that came out wrong, so did that... and I wrecked this one. Sorry, have a nice night. I’ll show myself out.
Dapowar chapter 1 . 2/4/2019
I've been thinking about this for 4 DAMN YEARS, but I think I got the answer of why Tori knows octolings and inklings, it's because of some weird octorian propaganda to say something along the lines of "This is why inklings and octorians will never get along!"
Doctor John Smith chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
Not gonna lie, you should make one where they end up having a kid.
ShippingJunk chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
It IS the first. Cool
Cole Robert Beall chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
Finally trying to 100% conquest, eh? Good luck. After you do, can I buy it from you? Also, on the story good job, nice detail, and it only took me three breaks to get through akwardness I was feeling and read it all. Good work Jake, you should proud. Kinda. I mean, like about the writing, maybe not the subject matter.
accountisdeadbye chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
It's nice to finally see this, it was cute... Does this make me wierd? If so; say absolutely nothing.
Ultrapyre chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Funny how the fandom cannot decide whether Inklings and Octolings can breed hybrids or not. Maybe that's something that really shouldn't be answered xD

Seriously though, why in the heck is a fanfic piece that involves sex called a lemon? It makes utterly no sense, when I hear lemon, I think "That's what I use to spice up my Cola".
TheRealEpicMan chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
I really love this lemon. I wish you could do more of this, but I'll respect your decision. Tori and Jake making love, it's the best. I always wanted to find a story like this and you're the first one to do it, in my opinion.
benjibenk chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Really great !
InsomniousNights chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Loved it. You sure know how to write smut.
TrickyJebus chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Awww your parents must be super proud of you. You managed to make two lemons in one year, how productive ;3

But how does Tori know Inklings and Octolings can't breed? hmm?
Also she was with a guy? Im guessing it was an inkling but it could be a male octoling, but hell if I know. Anyways nice job and there already was an Inkling/Octoling lemon before. I think it was from Fluffy Sakura chan, which he/she aslo got from tamarinfrog/bannafiles or whoever it was. That's just based on pure assumption but I believe there already was.
stud1977 chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Good story (god I'm such a pervert)
But I gotta nit-pick
How does Tori know they can't naturally reproduce, that doesn't seem like a thing octolings would be taught.
And I understand the not being able to breed is for the sake of plot, but scientifically they seem quite genetically similar so I would say it's quite likely to be possible, that being said it would still be a relatively low chance and sense I don't exactly have their genome here I can't check to make sure. Nerd rant over.