Reviews for Raptor
wolfzmasterz chapter 25 . 13m
I really like how you have done this and look forward to more if it comes out.
Death's Childe chapter 25 . 7/29
I really do love this story. Please consider continuing it? Keep up the good work. Thanks for this.
Guest chapter 25 . 7/21
Great story would love a update
DarthLeo chapter 25 . 7/16
Fantastic work!
SNEAKYKAYE chapter 25 . 7/13
This was awesome! Its better than anything I've read recently!
TheNecromancer0 chapter 25 . 7/8
God, this was a fun read.
TheBlueFire chapter 1 . 7/5
I love to come back and reread this every once in a while.
Victoria1676 chapter 25 . 6/19
davie chapter 25 . 6/15
please finish this story
agentplanty1 chapter 25 . 5/29
This was a great crossover
Hollydoor chapter 24 . 5/25
Has this story died?
dillonbastian chapter 25 . 5/25
Love it please add on or two more chapters to rap it up..!?
multyfangirl21 chapter 25 . 5/14
literally having to shove my head against a pillow from how loud i'm laughing from this!
this is the best one so far that i've read. 2nd best would being Spinosaur who's author mentioned this story a couple of times.
multyfangirl21 chapter 23 . 5/14
love how you're making some of the Jurassic character magical
multyfangirl21 chapter 22 . 5/14
oh that was brilliant!
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