Reviews for Haldir's Fall
Miskcat chapter 1 . 5/19/2007
I thought I should read some of your stories in my turn, and lo and behold, here's one about Haldir, who I wanted to see much more of in the movies.

This was very well done! Very true to his character. Thanks so much for this story!

You know what I wished they would have done at the end of Return of the King? Had the Last Ship arrive on the shore of the Blessed Realm, and have them see Haldir there. He would very likely have been one of the ones who did not have to sit in the Halls of Mandos till the end of time, but would have been given life again in the Blessed Realm.

Anyway, this was a lovely story!
KERNTKitty chapter 1 . 2/6/2005
Beautiful! I love the part about the lifeknot! That's great!
Werecat99 chapter 1 . 5/3/2003
I liked this. And yes, I'd like to read more about your OFC.
Sweetfires chapter 1 . 1/13/2003
You evil woman *sobs* You just pushed me into Haldir fandom.
Doc M chapter 1 . 1/10/2003
This is charming, well written and quite moving!

Poor Elf! Still, as he doesn't die in the books, we may hope he's just unconscious!
Coriandra chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
I was one of the five people in the world who hadn't seen TTT until yesterday. One scene the really struck me was Haldir and the other elves laying slain. I wondered if they knew what a difference they'd made. Apparently not, from what you wrote, but that doesn't seem to Haldir's concern at this time.

Good story, even though it's very sad. It could be continued, but I think it would be more effective as a stand alone fic, with the writers left to use their imaginations.
Penanna chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
oh ur a good author u really are, i'm in love with that, its really deep, and exactly (well nealry) what i thought Haldir was thinking myself (because he should be thinking about, he i could be the elven maiden... ! _) anyway really nice deep sweet and interesting. Infact could i kind of use the main idea for a story cus u've given me an idea now!
Evening Nightshade chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
Aww... *reaches for a tissue*

Haldir's deah scene in the movie was so poignant, and you've captured the essence of it perfectly in your story.
Jas chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
AH! My pooor sexy elf! I cry everytime i see that( 4x)

I was wondering if u wanted to write with me?
LasseLanta01 chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
Though I hate the idea that Peter Jackson would have the daring to kill off such a fabulous elf, I really liked your story. It was perfect and should stand alone, let us just guess about his lover, its more intreguing. My word what a heartfelt phrase you wrote, "We are immortal, we need only fear dying in battle or a broken heart. I fear that having accomplished the first, you may attempt the second." where is my tissue box when I need it.

I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one to see that interesting piece of jewelery around his neck.

Very good job, look forward to reading more from you.
Shelly chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
Loved it! I hate it that Haldir had to die since I was so excited to see him in the TTT. I didn't expect him to make an appearance at all.

I, too, am considering writing a Haldir fic. You did a great job, and I'll look forward to seeing your fic!

C-ya! ~Shelly~
Sarah Coldheart chapter 1 . 1/9/2003 sad...
Angel Of Music chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
That was perfect! Un-smegging-believable!

That was what I always thought it would be. Plus no changes needed. I really really liked that one!