Reviews for By Chance
werehogdog chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
That was a cute story. I liked it.
Halidom chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
I haven't really played ANB, but this seems like a perfect way to introduce Allen. I just adore it. His thought process, his comments, Rio's actions and reactions.

It makes the differences between the two obvious, and give a context for him moving in to the town.
Cotton Candy Mareep chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
This was an interesting little idea for a story, spending Starry Night (or any other holiday, really) on a train ride with strangers rather than celebrating at home with friends and family as expected. I could just imagine Allen sitting there watching Rio curled up asleep in the seat across from him, the stars glittering in the late evening sky above the changing countryside just outside their train window. There's something almost poetic about that. And it was just like him to notice how messy her hair was, haha.

I enjoyed this interpretation of why Allen decided to move to Echo Village; just like the title says, it really was just by chance.

Robotkitty5848 chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
That was adorable. I liked how you put the title of the game in the story without making it seemed forced.
umbreonix chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
Awww cute. I'm not really an AllenxRio shipper but I can get into it with the right fic, definitely love Allen with his unique character. I stare at people's reflections when I'm talking to them sometimes too. Not from shyness or anything though like with Rio. its just a habit and the other person unconsciously talks back to the mirror and neither of us realize it until someone else walks in and gets completely confused.
I'd guess Allen would be used to mirror convos given that he's a stylist.

I also loved that little backstory into how Allen ended up going to Echo Village, he struck me as a city guy. All in all, great job! XD Thanks for the read.