Reviews for Finding Potter
OmaBlack chapter 46 . 6/1
Good story, but you forgot Sirius.
excessivelyperky chapter 46 . 4/9
This is wonderful chapter and the perfect place to end it (if indeed you must). I adored the part where Neville visited his parents, and Frank Longbottom drew *all* of Neville's family.

And I enjoyed the wedding very much.

Plus, if Snape ever wants to stop teaching or brew potions, he could make a fortune designing bedrooms.
Meadhbh31415 chapter 37 . 3/28
Kudos for correct Irish spelling!
excessivelyperky chapter 45 . 3/16
I loved this chapter a lot-I like Draco's idea of an emergency, and I am foreseeing where Draco will talk a house elf into taking the three boys to see Neville's parents. Lucius is going to be busy having hysterics or drinking, Severus will be sitting on him, and Poppy will be busy with Narcissa.

But I loved all the descriptions of the clothing, and I agree, Severus and Poppy should get married.
excessivelyperky chapter 44 . 2/26
I'm really glad Snape didn't have a flashback to when James Potter made him choke on soapsuds-that easily could have happened and it probably would not have turned out well.

There is no such thing as a potato with too much cheese and bacon, and trust me, they are not inedible that way. Snicker.

So happy that both Nellie and Droopy could join the party!
Beauty Eclipsed chapter 46 . 2/25
Cute plot.
excessivelyperky chapter 43 . 2/15
I'm glad that Neville and Harry finally got better. Neville should have had a washcloth to hold over his eyes to keep the soap out, though.

And the skating was fun!
excessivelyperky chapter 42 . 1/18
Oh, dear, those poor boys! I hope they get well soon. So glad to see Poppy looking after Severus, too.

And Mr. Glippy sounds delightful.
bambiewitch chapter 16 . 1/12
His leTters are so precious that I genuinely have tears in my eyes oh my god harry you sweet thing
excessivelyperky chapter 41 . 1/4
Ah, I feel for Harry-I was in my teens when I finally got glasses, and I still like looking at buildings and their clean, sharp lines.

And of course Snape had a Plan B-he never knew when one or both of his masters would turn on him.
Lisa Cooper chapter 46 . 1/1
WELL DONE! I loved how you wove Severus’ and Harry’s life together adding on Albus Dumbledore, the Malfoys, Poppy, and Neville. I loved how you made them like a big functional family. Thanks for your story
excessivelyperky chapter 40 . 12/29/2019
I would love a room like that! Mouse is so lucky (let's face it, not even Wayfair could cope with that design).
excessivelyperky chapter 39 . 12/26/2019
I love the story about Prince Malachi and the Seven Dancing Princesses-and the way Lily and James came out with love for Harry, and for those with them.
bethb1973 chapter 18 . 12/23/2019
I am loving this story thus far! I have always wanted a maine coon kitty. I must admit the dream/nightmare chapters confused me somewhat. Thank you so much for sharing your talent! I can't wait to continue reading even though I should be sleeping.

excessivelyperky chapter 38 . 12/22/2019
What a lovely feast! And yes, if a plate of creampuffs counts as just one treat, well, heck (and yes I sometimes buy the tiny frozen ones, and aren't they good!).

Of course Mouse will be happier next to Shadow; but alas, Albus doesn't really think about the needs of the children, just of his own. Fortunately Shadow was wiser.

That midnight adventure sounds like fun.
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