Reviews for Sanctuary
Kyleta chapter 3 . 9/5/2019
I like this story and I hope you continue it someday. Vincent has fascinated me as a character ever since I’ve gotten into ff7. Reading how the rest of the group react to the aftermath of DOC is interesting.
Switchback chapter 2 . 7/5/2017
It's so great to see you continue this, no matter how long it takes. Writing over a long period is better than giving up writing full stop, so be proud that you're not one of the authors who've abandoned their work to pursue other things!

Troubles are deepening among the team and I love how you've balanced medical jargon and prowess with the more comfortable yet shared worry of his companions. I wonder where you're taking this story but given the small glimpse into Vincent's mind, I trust we're going to explore the details of his past? If so, bring on the popcorn and the tissues!

Your writing is very clean and neat, it makes me jealous! It's nice to see the care you've taken with this, not only grammar wise but also in research. Lots of lovely medical terms to sprinkle around and really drive home the severity of his condition. A niggle of mine that I must point out though, is where are the others? Yuffie was mentioned in the first chapter and Cid has been suitably excused but it prompts me to wonder. This is undoubtedly Vincent's show with Cloud and Tifa along for the ride, but I imagine the others must be worried too. Just a little niggle, though. Enjoying what I've read so far!

Keep up the good work, Taikuus. You're doing an inspiring job! (1 Thumbs Up)

SanguineSaint chapter 2 . 5/30/2017
I am an immense (probably disgustingly rabid) fan of Vincent Valentine - he is my favorite character of Seven, maybe even my favorite character in the entire franchise. Of all the fics I've read, this one stands out as one of the best; I appreciate your attention to detail, and your strong portrayal of Cloud and the others. I subscribed to this story the moment I read the first chapter and have waited anxiously for an update. Thank you so much for continuing this story, especially given the real life struggles and drama you dealt with over the last few months. I look forward to reading more if you get the chance to continue writing it.

~Sanguine Saint
bigbanwolf chapter 2 . 5/30/2017
very strong writing. will be back to read more
Dilapidate chapter 2 . 5/30/2017
Despite the time between chapters you've kept the same tone of writing admirably. I can't sayI recall following this story, but after rereading I would do so again in a heartbeat.

Your writing is very enjoyable and I'm loving the interactions between characters; they each have their own distinct voice and it's wonderful. I'm also particularly weak for Vincent-centric fics so you've definitely got me there.

Cloud's realization during Vincent's thrashing gave me chills and the fact that Tifa hadn't heard what he'd been screaming clearly illustrated the inherent disonance between one who has been under Hojo's care and one who has not. Very nice.

I also must confess to my like of watching Vincent reload in Dirge. It's satisfying, haha.

Well anyway, thank you for the lovely chapter!
Glass-FeatherX chapter 2 . 5/30/2017
I've been waiting for chapter two of this and it was so worth it. Can't wait to read more...
bigbanwolf chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
I am interested. Vincent Main fics are very good to me.
Ravenna Frost chapter 1 . 6/13/2016
O.o Definitely intriguing. I want moooooore~
NotLiz chapter 1 . 4/28/2016
I hope you will continue this story. I love hurt/comfort stories with Vinnie and I really enjoyed what I read here. Thank you for posting
Switchback chapter 1 . 3/23/2016
You sneaky little fiend! You've certainly kept quiet about this, haven't you? I'm so proud of you for writing you own piece, even if completely flattered you're pointing at me to blame for the inspiration! (Just the fact you've so clearly mentioned me took me off-guard!) I'm sorry I never saw this earlier!

Your descriptions are written so well and you have a real knack for grammar and spelling. I'm jealous! It reads so smoothly and I can picture everything happening quite well. I wonder how you'll handle all of the characters going forward, really hoping to see more of them appear! I can tell you've put a lot of care into this, it really shows. It's definitely nice to see your own take on the aftermath of Dirge of Cerberus. I can appreciate you making things AU, it's certainly what most authors do I feel. I'm certainly guilty as charged! Your disclaimer explained it so perfectly and aptly.

Going forward, advice I could give is maybe add more descriptions of your surroundings? I loved the 'emerald snow' line and I'm sure you could add great little details here and there as you progress! Poor Vincent, he always goes through the works, doesn't he? Can't wait to read what happens next; including Tifa's reaction to being called Lucrecia! (Have you been reading my secret reams of story notes? So many things in this...) Thanks for writing this Taikuus and I hope you continue to do so. Writing for your own enjoyment is as equally important as the feedback you receive, but I'm sure you already know this. You're off to a flying start. Keep writing!

Glass-FeatherX chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
Definitely going to follow this.

Please do write more. It's well paced and so far everyone is nicely in character. Brilliant start.
Firra chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
Yup, I'm interested. Good writing, good characterization. Please keep going!
Chocobo-14 chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
This was a very interesting read. I like what you've done with it so far. I've only read a few fics that have to do with the immediate aftermath of Dirge of Cerberus like this, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all turns out!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2015
Well written. Perfect pace. More, please?